Open Access Publishing
The University Library supports open access as a publication model. On behalf of the rector’s office, it coordinates the university's open access activities and offers publication platforms for e-books, e-journals, editions and research data, among others.
Heidelberg University Publishing (heiUP)
Heidelberg University Publishing is an open-access publisher of high-quality, peer-reviewed academic works. We endorse open access as a publishing model to distribute outstanding research results and use open-source software for the collaborative development of underlying publishing technologies.
Competence Centre for Research Data (KFD)
The Competence Centre for Research Data (KFD) is a joint service facility of the University Computer Centre and Heidelberg University Library. It offers support and services for research data management (RDM) to scientists at the university.
heidICON – The Object and Multimedia Repository
heidICON is the digital and interdisciplinary object and multimedia repository of Heidelberg University. Institutes, collections and projects of the Heidelberg University provide 2D/3D images, video and audio data as well as other multimedia material for research and teaching. heidICON is a central and sustainable repository, cataloguing system and presentation platform, but it also serves as an aggregator for the provision of data in national and international databases.
heiJOURNALS – Heidelberger OJS-Journals
Heidelberg University Library offers researchers at Heidelberg University the opportunity to publish e-journals free of charge in open access. The researchers act as editors, the University Library provides the Open Journal Systems (OJS) software.