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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Dr. Maria Effinger
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Tel: +49 (0) 6221 54-3561
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Leonhard Maylein
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Tel: +49 (0) 6221 54-2591
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Dr. Jakub Šimek
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Tel: +49 (0) 6221 54-2033
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Heidelberger Forum Edition
Text Encoding Initiative

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Die Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg ist institutionelles Mitglied des TEI-Consortiums.

Digital Editions

Logo heiEDITIONSUB Heidelberg, in cooperation with various national and international partners, is making online editions of a variety of text corpora available using digital technology. Basis for the digitization process is the in-house system DWork. The aims of this process are, amongst other things, the application of current standards for text and picture marking (XML/TEI) as well as the possibility for personalized annotations and comments. All content will be made available via Open Access.

Der arme Heinrich digital

Online edition of Hartmanns von Aue „Der arme Heinrich“, created towards the end of the 12th century.
Cooperation partner: Universidade Santiago de Compostela

Boners Edelstein – digital (under development)

Online edition of Boners "Edelstein", a collection of Aesopian fables and functionally equivalent copies in German, written around 1350.
Cooperation partner: Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt

Camera Work

Digital edition of the American journal "Camera Work" dedicated to art and photography published by Alfred Stieglitz in New York between 1903 and 1917.
Cooperation partner: Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der bildenden Kunst am Kunsthistorischen Institut der Universität Zürich.

Elisabeth Charlotte (Liselotte), Madame Palatine – digital

Digital edition of the 53 letters of Elisabeth Charlotte, Princess of the Palatinate (1652-1722), from the Special Collections of Heidelberg University Library.

Gregorius – digital (under development)

Online-Edition of Hartmanns von Aue „Gregorius“, created towards the end of the 12th century.
Cooperation partners: Université de Strasbourg, Universidade Santiago de Compostela

Iwein – digital (under development)

Online edition of Hartmanns von Aue „Iwein“, created around 1200.
Cooperation partner: FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg; Universidade Santiago de Compostela

Lübisches Recht – digital (under development)

Online edition of „Bardewikschen Codex des Lübischen Rechts von 1294“
Cooperation partner: Lehrstuhl für mittelalterliche und neuere Rechtsgeschichte und für Zivilrecht, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M., Institut für Deutsche Philologie des Mittelalters, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Archiv der Hansestadt Lübeck

Nikolaus von Jeroschin – digital (under development)

Online edition of ‚Legende des heiligen Adalbert’ and ‚Chronik des Preußenlandes’ by Nikolaus von Jeroschin.
Cooperation partner: Institut für Deutsche Philologie des Mittelalters an der Philipps Universität Marburg

Corpus Masoreticum: The Inculturation of the Masora in Western European Jewish Learning Culture from the 11th to the 13th Centuries. Digital Development of a Forgotten Culture of Knowledge

The aim of this project is the first ever scientific engagement with the Western European (Ashkenazic) Masorah tradition between the 11th and 13th centuries, which differs from the oriental Masorah not only with respect to the philological content but also regarding its layout and mise en texte as masora figurata.
Cooperation partner: Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg

Documenta Nepalica: Predmodern Nepalese sources for religion and legal history

Digital provision of an extensive body of documents and texts concerning religion and the legal history of premodern Nepal.
Cooperation partner: Forschungsstelle „Documents on the History of Religion and Law of premodern Nepal“ der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften

Protestant Ecclesiastical Ordinances of the 16th Century

Online edition of the first five volumes of the editions project church ordinances, published by Verlag Reisig in Leipzig and started in 1902. They were used to introduce and enforce reformation teaching.
Cooperation partner: Forschungsstelle „Protestant Ecclesiastical Ordinances of the 16 th Century“ der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften

FKlee Family Correspondence Online (in preparation)

The aim of the project, which is currently being set up, is to use technical and structurally advanced working and publication tools from the Digital Humanities for the text-critical and art-historically commented edition of the extensive correspondence between Lily Klee and her son Felix Klee.
Cooperation partner: Institute of Art History at the University of Zurich

Kaiserchronik digital

Commentary and translation of the three reviews (A to C) of the Regensburg “Kaiserchronik” of the 12th century.
Cooperation partner: University of Cambridge

Martin Bucers German Texts

Online edition of the historical critical edition of the German texts by the Strasbourg reformer Martin Bucers (1491-1551)
Cooperation partner: Forschungsstelle „Martin Bucer’s Writings in German“ der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften

Heidelberg Papyrus Collection – digital

The Heidelberg Institute of Papyrusology houses a comprehensive collection of around 10,500 pieces of scientifically highly relevant papyri, parchments, rag papers and ostraca from Egypt. The online edition will be made available in stages, starting at the end of 2016.

Profession und Familie im gelehrten Milieu des Kaiserreichs. Die Familien Mommsen und von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. Mit der digitalen Edition der Briefwechsel von Theodor und Marie Mommsen sowie Ulrich und Ulrike von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff

Online-Edition of the correspondence of Theodor and Marie Mommsen as well as Ulrich and Ulrike von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff.
Cooperation partner: Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach

Welscher Gast digital

TEI-based digital text/picture edition of „Welscher Gast“ by Thomasin von Zerklaere
Cooperation partner: Sonderforschungsbereich „Material Text Cultures“ (SFB 933) der Universität Heidelberg

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