General terms of ordering and delivery
Placing of orders
- Orders by telephone must be confirmed in writing (letter, telefax, e-mail)
- Further inquiries or information by the vendor are necessary in case delivery is impossible or items are not available as ordered, e. g.
- if the book is out of print
- if a new edition is in preparation
- if there is a difference in essential particulars of the order and the item ordered
- if, within a short period, the vendor receives another order from the UB for the same item, not expressly marked as a duplicate order
- if the delivery price exceeds the price quoted in the UB's order by more than 20 per cent.
- The UB reserves the right to cancel subscriptions in the case of subsequent rise in subscription prices.
- The terms of delivery will be three months, with the exception of subscriptions.
- Items delivered should be accompanied by the invoice (please send copy of the order or quote orderno. on the invoice).
- The vendor will be liable for the condition of the merchandise and will bear the risk of its damage in shipment.
- The UB reserves the right of return for items from incomplete or otherwise inaccurate advertising offers, with missing reference to series, doctoral disssertations, or changes of title.
- Furthermore, the UB reserves the right of return for antiquarian books if the general condition of an item rules out normal library use (for instance, due to decayed paper, mildew, etc.).
- Invoices are required in duplicate.
- They must be addressed to the ordering department of the UB (for instance, "MB1: Neuzugang Monografien").
- They must show the type of order (for instance, "firm order" or "standing order").
- They must quote
- the UB order number, if known
- the bibliographical short title of the item supplied
- bank connection and account No. of the vendor
- VAT-No. of the UB and of the vendor, if applicable
- VAT-rate, discounts, extra charges, delivery charges, if applicable.
Additional requirements for items of foreign origin are:
- quotation either of the domestic price without sales tax and VAT, or of the export price in domestic currency.
- For vendors holding euro accounts, foreign currencies will be converted at the day's selling rate of exchange on the issuing date of the vendor's invoice.