Reproduction of library material
The copy service and the digitization center of the University Library make reproductions from library-owned materials.
What kind of material will be reproduced?
We reproduce mainly materials that have to stay within the library, meaning those that can only be used inside the library (LSA, LSH, LSN, MMZ) and cannot be reproduced by users themselves.
Please note that material which is subject to copyright may be reproduced not at all or only in parts.
- Paper copies (max. 50 copies, format of original: max. DIN A 4)
- Digital reproductions
Fees for reproductions
Format / Resolution
Low resolution images
(material published from 1501 onwards)
(material published from 1501 onwards)
150 dpi / JPG
0,75 € / page
High resolution images
(printed material, published from 1501 onwards)
(printed material, published from 1501 onwards)
300 dpi / TIF
12,00 € / page
High resolution images
(printed material, published until 1500 or manuscript material)
(printed material, published until 1500 or manuscript material)
300 dpi / TIF
30 € / page
Special scan Codex Manesse
450 dpi / TIF
40 € / page
Paper copies (format of original max. A4)
Readerprinter print-out (black and white)
Readerprinter print-out (black and white)
A 4
0,10 € / copy
Paper copies (format of original max. A4)
Readerprinter print-out (black and white)
Readerprinter print-out (black and white)
A 3
0,20 € / copy
- Fees are based on library's fee regulations.
- The Heidelberg University Library does not charge any fees for the use of its digital images and waive the submission of free copies.
- An invoice will be issued against a minimum fee of 5.00 EUR. Dispatch is not included.
Non-standard orders
Exceptionally difficult or complex orders and assignments will be charged with 46.00 € per working hour, not including costs for additional material when required.
via download link
for all digital reproductions
per link 2,50 €
on paper / as copy
for copies
collection / via mail + postage
Express orders
processing time
Within 3 working days upon placement of order
50 %