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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Baschek, Bodo    [Prof.]

A   Differentially moving media with many spectral lines: stochastic approach / R. Wehrse u.a.
In: J.Quant.Spectrosc.Radiat.Transfer. - 60 (1998), S.963-977

Beckwith, Steven V.W.    [em.Prof.]

A   Binary stars in the Orion Trapezium cluster core / S.V.W. Beckwith u.a.
In: Astrophys.J. / 1. - 500 (1998), S. 825-837

A   Detection of candidate Lya-emitting galaxies at redshift 5.7 / S.V.W. Beckwith u.a.
In: Mon.Not.R.Astr.Soc. - 293 (1998), S. L6

A   Infrared emission-line galaxies associated with damped lya and strong metal absorber bedshifts / E. Mannucci u.a.
In: Astrophys.J. / 1. - 501 (1998), S. L11

A   An infrared emission-line galaxy at z = 2.43 / S.V.W. Beckwith u.a.
In: Astrophys.J. / 1. - 504 (1998), S. 107-112

Bühring, Wolfgang    [Prof.i.R.]

A   Analytic continuation of the generalized hypergeometric series near unit argument with emphasis on the zero-balanced series / W. Bühring mit H.M. Srivastava
In: Approximation theory and applications / ed. by Themistocles M. Rassias. - Palm Harbor, FL. - ISBN 1-57485-041-5. - S. 17-35

Cremer, Christoph    [Prof.]

A   Application de la cytometrie en flux et de type 'slitscan' a l'analyse et au tri des chromosomes de mammiferes / M. Hausmann mit C. Cremer
In: Techniques de cytogenetique animale / P. Popescu, H. Hayes, B. Dutrillaux, ed. - Paris, 1998. - (Mieux comprendre). - ISBN 2-7380-0819-4. - S. 173-193

A   Biological dosimetry after H(2)O(2)/L-Histidine treatment / M. Hausmann u.a.
In: Proceedings SPIE. - 3199 (1998), S. 183-190

A   Biological dosimetry using fast-FISH technique for rapid labeling of all human centromeres
In: Fluorescence microscopy and fluorescent probes / edited by Jan Slavik. - New York u.a. - ISBN 0-306-46021-1. - 2 (1998), S. 171-176

A   Chromatin structure and chromatin aberrations : modelling of the damage induced by isotropic and localized irradiation / G. Kreth u.a.
In: Mutat.Res. - 404 (1998), S. 77-88

A   Evidence against a looped structure of the inactive human X-chromosome territory / S. Dietzel u.a.
In: Exp.Cell Res. - 240 (1998), S. 187-196

A   Fast-FISH detection and semi-automated image analysis of numerical chromosome aberrations in hematological malignancies / A. Esa u.a.
In: Anal.Cell.Path. - 16 (1998), S. 211-222

A   Fast-FISH technique for rapid, simultaneous labelling of all human centromeres / M. Durm u.a.
In: Cytometry. - 31 (1998), S. 153-162

A   Fast-painting of human metaphase spreads using a chromosome specific, repeat depleted DNA library probe / M. Durm u.a.
In: BioTech. - 24 (1998), S. 820-825

A   Free-flow magnetophoresis: continuous immunomagnetic sorting of cells and organelles by magnetic deviation and focusing / M. Hausmann u.a.
In: Cell separation methods and applications / edited by Diether Recktenwald, Andreas Radbruch. - New York u.a., 1998. - ISBN 0-8247-9864-3. - S. 209-235

A   High precision distance measurements and volume-conserving segementation of objects near and below the resolution limit in three-dimensional confocal fluorescence microscopy / H. Bornfleth u.a.
In: J.Microscopy. - 189 (1998), S. 118-136

A   High precision localization of fluorescent targets in the nanometer range by spatially modulated excitation fluorescence microscopy / B. Schneider u.a.
In: Fluorescence microscopy and fluorescent probes / edited by Jan Slavik. - New York u.a. - ISBN 0-306-46021-1. - 2 (1998), S. 71-76

A   High-precision microscopy of 3D-nanostructures by a spatially modulated excitation fluorenscence microscope / M. Hausmann u.a.
In: Proceedings SPIE. - 3197 (1998), S. 217-222

A   Immuno-isolation of highly purified peroxisomes using magnetic beads and continuous immunomagnetic sorting / G.H.Lüers u.a.
In: Electrophoresis. - 19 (1998), S. 1205-1210

A   Spectral precision distance measurements by confocal laser scanning and SME-microscopy for 3D genome analysis / C. Cremer u.a.
In: Progress report 1996 - 1998 / Johannes Maurer, Hrsg. - Berlin, 1998. - ISBN 3-00-003810-8. - S. 91-95

Dosch, Hans Guenter    [Prof.]

A   Against philosophy - auch gegen Ernst Cassirer ?
In: Von der Philosophie zur Wissenschaft / Enno Rudolph/Ion O. Stamatescu (Hg.). - Hamburg, 1997. - (Cassirer-Forschungen ; Bd. 3). - ISBN 3-7873-1353-2. - S. 1-16

A   Coupling of the pi and gamma to a vector and pseudosclar heavy meson and the violation of heavy quark symmetry
In: Nucl.Phys. : Proc.Suppl. B. - 54A (1998), S. 253-255

A   Diffractive color-dipole nucleon scattering / M. Rueter mit H.G. Dosch
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 57 (1998), S. 4097-4100

A   Direct extraction of the chiral quark condensate and lower bound on the light quark masses / H.G. Dosch mit S. Narison
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 417 (1998), S. 173-176

A   Few-body aspects of non-perturbative QCD
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 631 (1998), S. 316c-330c

A   Field strength correlators and dual effective dynamics in QCD / M. Baker u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 58 (1998), S. 34010

A   Nonperturbative correlation masses in the 3- dimensional SU(2)- Higgs-model / H.G. Dosch u.a.
In: Strong and electroweak matter '97. - Singapore, 1998. - (Eötvös conferences in science ; 97). - S. 374-378

A   Non-perturbative gamma - P interaction in the diffractive regime / H.G. Dosch u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 57 (1998), S. 1666-1679

A   Odd C-P contributions to diffractive processes / M. Rueter u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 59 (1998), S. 199

A   QCD sum rules calculation of heavy lamda semileptonic decay / H.G. Dosch u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 431 (1998), S. 173-178

Duschl, Wolfgang    [Prof.]

A   Diffraction-limited IR speckle masking observations of the central regions of Seyfert galaxies / M. Wittkowski u.a.
In: IAU-Symp. - 184 (1998), S. 51

A   Diffraction-limited 76 mas speckle masking observations of the core of NGC 1068 with the SAO 6m telescope / M. Wittkowski u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 329 (1998), S. L45-L48

A   The Galactic Center : a laboratory for AGN
In: IAU-Symp. - 184 (1998), S. 169

A   HNCO in the Galactic Center GMC G(+)1.6-0.025-evidence for collisional excitation by strong shocks / G. Dahmen u.a.
In: IAU-Symp. - 184 (1998), S. 95

A   Hydrodynamic viscosity and self-gravitation in accretion disks / W.J. Duschl u.a.
In: Am.Astronom.Soc.Meeting. - 192 (1998), S. 6617

A   Influence of viscosity laws on the transition to the selfgravitating part of accretion disks / A. Bardou u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 337 (1998), S. 966-974

A   Influence of viscosity laws on the transition to the selfgravitatingpart of accretion disks / A. Bardou u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 337 (1998), S. 966-974

A   Le loi de viscosite dans les disques auto-gravitants / A. Bardou u.a.
In: La connexion accretion-ejection / Eds.: F. Menard, S. Cabrit. - Grenoble, France, 1998. - (Actes de l'Observatoire de Grenoble). - S. 78-82

H   Dynamics of glaxies and their nuclei / W.J. Duschl mit Ch. Einsel. - Heidelberg : Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik, 1998. - (Proceedings Series of the Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik ; 2)

H   Formation and evolution of galaxies / W.J. Duschl mit N. Arimoto. - Heidelberg : Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik, 1998. - (Proceedings Series of the Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik ; 1)

Elsässer, Hans    [em.Prof.]

A   Results of the Heidelberg void program
In: Supernovae and cosmology / Eds. : L. Labhardt et al. - Basel. - S. 119-125

A   Search for emission-line glaxies towards nearby voids / C.C. Popescu u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. : Suppl.Ser. - 133 (1998), S. 13-24

Enss, Christian    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Evidence for a second order phase transition in glasses at very low temperature - A macroscopic quantum state of tunneling systems / P. Strehlow u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 80 (1998), S. 5361-5364

A   Simple and reliable low-temperature STM with piczoelectrical coarse approach / D. Wehnes u.a.
In: Appl.Phys. : A. - 66 (1998), S. S41-S44

Glässel, Peter    [Prof.]

A   CERES results on low-mass electron pair production in Pb-Au collisions, Hadron physics with CERES: spectra and collective flow / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Quark matter '97 / ed. by T. Hatsuda ... - Amsterdam [u.a.], 1998. - (Nuclear physics : A, Nuclear and hadronic physics ; 638). - S. 159c-170c

A   Hadron physics with CERES: spectra and collective flow / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Quark matter '97 / ed. by T. Hatsuda ... - Amsterdam [u.a.], 1998. - (Nuclear physics : A, Nuclear and hadronic physics ; 638). - S. 467c-470c

A   Low-mass e(+)e(-) pair production in 158 A GeV Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS, its dependence on multiplicity and transverse momentum / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 422 (1998), S. 405-412

A   Neutral meson production in p-Be and p-Au collisions at 450 GeV beam energy / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 249-257

A   Systematic study of low-mass electron pair production in p-Be and p-Au collisions at 450 GeV / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 231-247

Hausmann, Michael    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Application de la cytometrie en flux et de type 'slitscan' a l'analyse et au tri des chromosomes de mammiferes / M. Hausmann mit C. Cremer
In: Techniques de cytogenetique animale / P. Popescu, H. Hayes, B. Dutrillaux, ed. - Paris, 1998. - (Mieux comprendre). - ISBN 2-7380-0819-4. - S. 173-193

A   Biological dosimetry after H(2)O(2)/L-Histidine treatment / M. Hausmann u.a.
In: Proceedings SPIE. - 3199 (1998), S. 183-190

A   Biological dosimetry using fast-FISH technique for rapid labeling of all human centromeres
In: Fluorescence microscopy and fluorescent probes / edited by Jan Slavik. - New York u.a. - ISBN 0-306-46021-1. - 2 (1998), S. 171-176

A   Fast-FISH detection and semi-automated image analysis of numerical chromosome aberrations in hematological malignancies / A. Esa u.a.
In: Anal.Cell.Path. - 16 (1998), S. 211-222

A   Fast-FISH technique for rapid, simultaneous labelling of all human centromeres / M. Durm u.a.
In: Cytometry. - 31 (1998), S. 153-162

A   Fast-painting of human metaphase spreads using a chromosome specific, repeat depleted DNA library probe / M. Durm u.a.
In: BioTech. - 24 (1998), S. 820-825

A   Free-flow magnetophoresis: continuous immunomagnetic sorting of cells and organelles by magnetic deviation and focusing / M. Hausmann u.a.
In: Cell separation methods and applications / edited by Diether Recktenwald, Andreas Radbruch. - New York u.a., 1998. - ISBN 0-8247-9864-3. - S. 209-235

A   High precision localization of fluorescent targets in the nanometer range by spatially modulated excitation fluorescence microscopy / B. Schneider u.a.
In: Fluorescence microscopy and fluorescent probes / edited by Jan Slavik. - New York u.a. - ISBN 0-306-46021-1. - 2 (1998), S. 71-76

A   High-precision microscopy of 3D-nanostructures by a spatially modulated excitation fluorenscence microscope / M. Hausmann u.a.
In: Proceedings SPIE. - 3197 (1998), S. 217-222

A   Immuno-isolation of highly purified peroxisomes using magnetic beads and continuous immunomagnetic sorting / G.H.Lüers u.a.
In: Electrophoresis. - 19 (1998), S. 1205-1210

A   Spectral precision distance measurements by confocal laser scanning and SME-microscopy for 3D genome analysis / C. Cremer u.a.
In: Progress report 1996 - 1998 / Johannes Maurer, Hrsg. - Berlin, 1998. - ISBN 3-00-003810-8. - S. 91-95

Hausser, Karl    [em.Prof.]

A   The effect of concentration and oxygen in EPR / K. Hausser mit H. Brunner
In: Foundations of modern EPR / Gareth R. Eaton, Sandra S. Eaton, Kev M. Salikhov. - Singapore u.a., 1998. - ISBN 981-02-3295-0. - S. 469-481

Hofmann, Werner    [em.Prof.]

A   Characteristics of the multi-telescope coincidence trigger of the HEGRA IACT system / N. Bulian u.a.
In: Astropart.Phys. - 8 (1998), S. 223-233

A   Constraints on X-ray selected BL Lac objects by the HEGRA-system of Cherenkov telescopes / C. Renault u.a.
In: Rayos cosmicos 98 / Jose Medina (ed.) ... - Alcala de Henares. - ISBN 84-8138-290-6. - S. 535-538

A   First experience and results from the HERA-B vertex detector system / C. Bauer u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : A. - 418 (1998), S. 65-79

A   An improved technique for the determination of shower geometry from single and stereo IACT images / M. Ulrich u.a.
In: J.Phys. : G. - 24 (1998), S. 883-897

A   Measurement of the radial distribution of Cherenkov light generated by TeV gamma-ray air showers / F. Aharonian u.a. - 1998. - S. 21-29

A   Study of charged cosmic rays above 1 TeV with the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov-Technique / M. Hemberger u.a.
In: Rayos cosmicos 98 / Jose Medina (ed.) ... - Alcala de Henares. - ISBN 84-8138-290-6. - S. 527-530

A   Study of mass composition and energy spectrum of primary cosmic radiation by the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique / A.V. Plyasheshnikov u.a.
In: J.Phys. : G. - 24 (1998), S. 653-672

A   Study on the cosmic ray spectrum and chemical composition using the imaging air Cherenkov technique / A. Konopelko u.a.
In: Proc.25th ICRC. - 3 (1997), S. 349-352

Horner, Heinz    [Prof.]

A   Neural networks / H. Horner mit R. Kühn
In: Intelligence and artificial intelligence / U. Ratsch ... (ed.). - Berlin [u.a.], 1998. - ISBN 3-540-63780-X. - S. 125-161

Hüfner, Jörg    [Prof.]

A   Charmonium suppression in heavy ion collisions by prompt gluons / J. Hüfner mit B.Z. Kopeliovich
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 445 (1998), S. 223-231

A   J/psi N and psi'N total cross sections from photoproduction data: failure of vector dominance / J. Hüfner mit B.Z. Kopeliovich
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 426 (1998), S. 154-160

A   Neutron-antineutron oscillations in nuclei revisited / J. Hüfner mit B.Z. Kopeliovich
In: Mod.Phys.Lett. : A. - 13 (1998), S. 2385-2391

A   A numerical study of an expanding plasma of quarks in a chiral model / P. Rehberg mit J. Hüfner
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 635 (1998), S. 511-541

A   Pi-pi scattering in the rho-meson channel at finite temperature / Y.B. He u.a.
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 630 (1998), S. 719-742

Hunklinger, Siegfried    [Prof.]

A   Dynamics of glasses at very low temperatures
In: Physica : A. - 261 (1998), S. 26-35

A   Evidence for a second order phase transition in glasses at very low temperature - A macroscopic quantum state of tunneling systems / P. Strehlow u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 80 (1998), S. 5361-5364

A   Inductively coupled surface acoustic wave device for sensor application / K. Beck u.a.
In: IEEE Trans.Ultrason.Ferroelectr.Freq.Control. - 45 (1998), S. 1140-1144

A   Internal friction and hypersonic velocity in vitreous germania under high pressure / J. Hertling u.a.
In: J.Non-Cryst.Sol. - 226 (1998), S. 129-137

A   Light-induced changes of tunneling systems in a-As(2)S(3) / G. Kasper u.a.
In: J.Non-Cryst.Sol. - 235-237 (1998), S. 275-277

A   Ultrasonic measurements on quench-condensed noble gas films / G. Weiss u.a.
In: J.Low Temp.Phys. - 111 (1998), S. 321-326

A   Viscoelastic behavior of antibody films on a shear horizontal acoustic surface wave sensor / M. Weiss u.a.
In: Anal.Chem. - 70 (1998), S. 2881-2887

Jungmann, Klaus-Peter    [Doz.]

A   Fundamental muon physics
In: Physical processes in the coastal zone / edited by A.P. Cracknell, E.S. Rowan. - Edinburgh, 1998. - (SUSSP proceedings). - ISBN 0-7503-0563-0

A   High resolution spectroscopy of muonium
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on JHF Science (JHF98) / J. Chiba ... - Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan. - (KEK proceedings ; 98-5)

A   Increased sensitivity to possible muonium to antimuonium conversion / V. Meyer u.a.
In: Intersections between particle & nuclear physics. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1997. - (AIP Conf. proc ; 412). - ISBN 1-56396-712-X. - S. 429

A   Lepton flavour violation experiments - some recent developments
In: Particle Physics and Cosmology / editor, Josse F. Nieves. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1998. - (AIP conference proceedings ; 444). - ISBN 1-56396-775-8. - S. 148

A   Muonium
In: Frontier tests of quantum electrodynamics and physics of the vacuum / E. Zavattini (ed.) ... - 1998. - S. 117

A   Prospects for high precision measurements on muonic atoms at the front end of a muon collider / D. Kawall u.a.
In: Workshop on physics at the first muon collider and at the front end of a muon collider / editors, Stephen Geer, Rajendran Raja. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1998. - (AIP conference proceedings ; 435). - ISBN 1-56396-793-6. - S. 486-492

A   Results from recent searches for muonium-antimuonium conversion and future perspectives
In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on JHF Science (JHF98) / J. Chiba ... - Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan. - (KEK proceedings ; 98-5)

A   Searching new physics in muonium atoms
In: Beyond the desert 1997 / edited by H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and H. Paes. - Bristol, 1998. - ISBN 0-7503-0489-8. - S. 554

A   Status of the BNL muon (g-2) experiment / J.P. Miller u.a.
In: Intersections between particle & nuclear physics. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1997. - (AIP Conf. proc ; 412). - ISBN 1-56396-712-X. - S. 792

A   Status of the new muon (g-2) experiment / B.L. Roberts u.a.
In: Proceedings. - Singapore, River Edge, NJ, 1997. - ISBN 981-02-2874-0. - S. 1035

Klevansky, Sandra P.    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Pi-kappa scattering lengths at finite temperature in a chiral model / P. Piwnicki u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : C. - 58 (1998), S. 502-516

A   Pi-pi scattering in the rho-meson channel at finite temperature / Y.B. He u.a.
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 630 (1998), S. 719-742

A   Transition rate for qq pipipi in a chiral model / D.S. Isert u.a.
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 643 (1998), S. 275-302

Kluge, Heinz-Jürgen    [Prof.]

A   Experiments with stored relativistic exotic nuclei / H. Geissel u.a.
In: GSI-Preprint. - 98-39 (1998)

A   Experiments with stored relavistic exotic nuclei / H. Geissel u.a.
In: ENAM 98 / editors, Bradley M. Sherrill, David J. Morrissey, Cary N. Davids. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1998. - (AIP conference proceedings ; 455). - ISBN 1-56396-804-5. - S. 11-21

A   Mass measurements with a Penning trap mass spectrometer at ISOLDE / G. Bollen u.a.
In: ENAM 98 / editors, Bradley M. Sherrill, David J. Morrissey, Cary N. Davids. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1998. - (AIP conference proceedings ; 455). - ISBN 1-56396-804-5. - S. 3-10

A   Observing a single hydrogen-like ion in a Penning trap at T = 4 / K.M. Diederich u.a.
In: Hyperf.Interact. - 108 (1998), S. 185-192

A   A radio frequency quadrupole ion beam buncher for ISOLTRAP / G. Bollen u.a.
In: ENAM 98 / editors, Bradley M. Sherrill, David J. Morrissey, Cary N. Davids. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1998. - (AIP conference proceedings ; 455). - ISBN 1-56396-804-5. - S. 965-972

Kühn, Reimer    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Neural networks / H. Horner mit R. Kühn
In: Intelligence and artificial intelligence / U. Ratsch ... (ed.). - Berlin [u.a.], 1998. - ISBN 3-540-63780-X. - S. 125-161

A   A new look at low-temperature anomalies in glasses / R. Kühn mit U. Horstmann
In: Festkörperprobleme/ Adv.Solid State Physics. - 38 (1998), S. 458-470

Lehmann, Annemarie    [Prof.]

A   Infrared absorption of Fe ultrathin films on ionic crystals / G. Fahsold u.a.
In: Surface Science. - 402/404 (1998), S. 790-793

Meier, Karlheinz    [Prof.]

A   ATLAS Level-1 calorimeter trigger system architecture : 4. Workshop on Electronics for LHC experiments / K. Meier u.a.
In: CERN/LHCC. - 98-36 (1998), S. 311-315

A   CMOS image sensor with logarithmic response and self calibrating fixed pattern noise correction
In: Advanced focal plane arrays and electronic cameras. - Bellingham, Wash. - (Proceedings / SPIE ; 3410). - ISBN 0-8194-2862-0

A   Differential (2+1) jet rates and determination of alpha(s) in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA / K. Meier u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 625-639

A   Hadron production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering / K. Meier u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 428 (1998), S. 206-220

A   A highly compact electromagnetic calorimeter for the VLQ spectrometer in H1 at HERA / K. Meier u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth. : A. - 409 (1998), S. 604-607

A   A highly compact electromagnetic calorimeter for the VLQ spectrometer in H1 at HERA / M. Keller u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : A. - 409 (1998), S. 604-607

A   Measurement of the inclusive di-jet cross section in photoproduction and determination of an effective parton distribution in the photon / B. Povh u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 1 (1998), S. 97-107

A   Multiplicity structure of hadronic final states in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA / K. Meier u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 439-452

A   Observation of events with an isolated high energy lepton and missing transverse momentum at HERA / K. Meier u.a.

A   Photo-production of psi (2S) mesons at HERA / B. Povh u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 421 (1998), S. 385-394

A   Thrust jet analysis of deep-inelastic large-rapidity-gap events / B. Povh u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 1 (1998), S. 495-507

Nachtmann, Otto    [Prof.]

A   Anomalous three gauge couplings in e(+)e(-)->W(+)W(-) and 'optimal' strategies for their measurement / O. Nachtmann u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 1 (1998), S. 177-190

A   CP violation in radiative Z decays / O. Nachtmann u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 1 (1998), S. 191-199

A   New observables for paritiy violation in atoms: energy shifts in external electric fields / O. Nachtmann u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : A. - 239 (1998), S. 81-86

A   Odd C-P contributions to diffractive processes / M. Rueter u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 59 (1998), S. 199

A   Single pseudoscalar meson production in diffractive ep scattering / O. Nachtmann u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 317-326

Niemz, Markolf    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Quantitative MR temperature monitoring during laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy (LITT) / C. Bohris u.a.
In: Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. - Sydney

A   Ultrashort laser pulses in dentistry - advantages and limitations
In: Biomed.Optics. - 3255 (1998), S. 84-91

Pelte, Dietrich    [Prof.]

A   Identification of baryon resonances in central heavy-ion collisions at energies between 1 and 2 AGeV / D. Pelte u.a.

Pirner, Hans Jürgen    [Prof.]

A   Hamiltonian flow equations for a Dirac particle in an external potential / A.B. Bylev mit H.J. Pirner
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 428 (1998), S. 329-333

A   Hamiltonian flow equations for the Lipkin model : H.J. Pirner mit B. Friman
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 434 (1998), S. 231-236

A   Non-perturbative gamma - P interaction in the diffractive regime / H.G. Dosch u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 57 (1998), S. 1666-1679

Platt, Ulrich    [Prof.]

A   Airborne high resolution ozone and potential vorticity to study stratospheric - tropospheric exchange / A. Zahn u.a.
In: Atmospheric ozone / R.D. Bojkov and G. Visconti, Eds. - [L'Aquila, Italy], 1998. - S. 183-186

A   Aircraft-borne measurements of the NO(2) HNO(3), and CINO(3) partitioning during the arctic winters 1991-1995 / K. Pfeilsticker u.a.
In: Atmospheric ozone / R.D. Bojkov and G. Visconti, Eds. - [L'Aquila, Italy], 1998. - S. 567-570

A   Atmospheric water vapour transport and isotope exchange reactions using HDO, H(2)(18)O, (13)CO(2), and (13)C(18)O(16)O measurements near tropopause / A. Zahn u.a.
In: Atmospheric ozone / R.D. Bojkov and G. Visconti, Eds. - [L'Aquila, Italy], 1998. - S. 639-642

A   Cloud properties deduced form GOME O(2)- and O(4)-absorptions / T. Wagner u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 514-517

A   Cloudy sky photon path lengths as derived from DOAS observations / T. Wagner u.a.
In: J.Geophys.Res. - 103 (1998), S. 25307-25321

A   Correction of the oxygen interference with UV spectroscopic (DOAS) measurements of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the atmosphere / R. Volkamer u.a.
In: Atmos.Environ. - 32 (1998), S. 3731-3747

A   Deuterium, Tritium, and Oxygen-18 as tracer for water vapour transport in the lower stratosphere and tropopause region / A. Zahn u.a.
In: J.Atmos.Chem. - 30 (1998), S. 25-47

A   Evidence of heterogeneous bromine chemistry on cold stratospheric sulphate aerosols / F. Erle u.a.
In: Geophys.Res.Lett. - 25 (1998), S. 4329-4332

A   First measurement of the atmospheric O(4) profile / H. Osterkamp u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 478-481

A   Geometrical path lenths probability density function of the skylight transmitted by mid-latitude cloudy skies : some case studies / H. Veitel u.a.
In: Geophys.Res.Lett. - 25 (1998), S. 3355-3358

A   Globale Biomassenverbrennung und Industrieemissionen / C. Leue u.a.
In: Phys.Unserer Zeit. - 29 (1998), S. 179

A   GOME global BrO observations, validation with ground-based measurements / T. Wagner u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 397-400

A   GOME observation of enhanced tropospheric BrO concentration in the polar spring / T. Wagner u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 401-404

A   Groundbased DOAS UV/visible measurements at Kiruna (Sweden) during the SESAME winters 1993/94 and 1994/95 / C. Otten u.a.
In: J.Atmos.Chem. - 30 (1998), S. 141-162

A   Ground-based observations of OCIO, BrO and NO(2) during 1995 at Arrival Heights (78gdS), Antarctica / K. Kreher u.a.
In: Atmospheric ozone / R.D. Bojkov and G. Visconti, Eds. - [L'Aquila, Italy], 1998. - S. 217-220

A   Halogen oxide measurements in the arctic boundary layer and implications for sudden ozone depletion / U. Platt u.a.
In: Atmospheric ozone / R.D. Bojkov and G. Visconti, Eds. - [L'Aquila, Italy], 1998. - S. 411-414

A   Improved air mass factors concepts for scattered light differential optical absorption spectroscopy / L.C. Marquard u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 700-703

A   Influence of tropospheric clouds on stratospheric air-mass-factors / T. Wagner u.a.
In: Atmospheric ozone / R.D. Bojkov and G. Visconti, Eds. - [L'Aquila, Italy], 1998. - S. 993-996

A   An intercomparison of measured and simulated slant columns of BrO in Kiruna 1994/95 / C. Otten u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 374-377

A   Mapping of Polar tropospheric BrO by GOME / T. Wagner mit U. Platt
In: Earth Observ.Quart. - 58 (1998), S. 21-24

A   Measurement technique, atmospheric observations and model calculations / K. Pfeilsticker u.a. - (First geometrical path lengths probability density function derivation of the skylight from spectroscopically highly resolved oxygen A-band observations ; 1)
In: J.Geophys.Res. - 103 (1998), S. 11483-11504

A   A new DOAS instrument for stratospheric balloon-borne trace gas studies / F. Ferlemann u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 653-656

A   Observation of tropospheric BrO from the GOME satellite / T. Wagner mit U. Platt
In: Nature. - 395 (1998), S. 486-490

A   Optical path modifications due to tropospheric clouds: Implications for zenith sky measurements of stratospheric gases / K. Pfeilsticker u.a.
In: J.Geophys.Res. - 103 (1998), S. 25323-25335

A   Ozone measurements in the European Arctic during the ARCTOC 1995 campaign / H. Lorenzen-Schmidt u.a.
In: Tellus : B. - 50 (1998), S. 416-429

A   Quantitative observation of biomass-burning plumes from GOME / C. Leue u.a.
In: Earth Observ.Quart. - 58 (1998), S. 33-35

A   Satellite measurement of halogen oxides by the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment, GOME, on ERS2 : distribution of BrO and comparison with groundbased observations / E. Hegels u.a.
In: Atmospheric ozone / R.D. Bojkov and G. Visconti, Eds. - [L'Aquila, Italy], 1998. - S. 293-296

A   Simultaneous measurement of stratospheric O(3), NO(2) and JNO(2) / M. Schneider u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 502-505

A   Spectroscopic measurements of O(3), NO(2), OCIO, and BrO at Neumayer station, Antarctica during 1995 / U. Friess u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 443-446

A   Stratospheric BrO profile measured at different latitudes and seasons: Atmospheric observations / H. Harder u.a.
In: Geophys.Res.Lett. - 25 (1998), S. 3843-3846

A   Stratospheric BrO profiles measured at different latitudes and seasons: Instrument description, spectral analysis and profile retrieval / F. Ferlemann u.a.
In: Geophys.Res.Lett. - 25 (1998), S. 3847-3850

A   Stratospheric profile measurements of BrO at different latitudes and seasons / H. Harder u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 339-342

A   Surface ozone depletion at polar sunrise fueled by sea-salt halogens / L.A. Barrie u.a.
In: IGAC Newsletter. - 14 (1998), S. 4-7

A   Transall DOAS-measurements of nighttime column abundances of stratospheric O(3), NO(2), OCIO, and NO(3) / F. Erle u.a.
In: Polar stratospheric ozone 1997 / ed. by N.R.P. Harris ... - Luxembourg. - (EUR ; 18032)(Air pollution research report ; 66). - ISBN 92-828-2365-2. - S. 435-437

Povh, Bogdan    [em.Prof.]

V   First observation of the \Xi(-)\pi^+ decay mode of the \Xi^0(1690) hyperon / B. Povh u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 621-624

A   Differential (2+1) jet rates and determination of alpha(s) in deep-inelastic scattering at HERA / K. Meier u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 625-639

A   Energy dependence of the Pomeron Spin-Flip / B.Z. Kopeliovich mit B. Povh
In: Mod.Phys.Lett. : A. - 13 (1998), S. 3033-3038

A   Hadron production in diffractive deep inelastic scattering / K. Meier u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 428 (1998), S. 206-220

A   Measurement of the inclusive di-jet cross section in photoproduction and determination of an effective parton distribution in the photon / B. Povh u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 1 (1998), S. 97-107

A   Multiplicity structure of hadronic final states in diffractive deep-inelastic scattering at HERA / K. Meier u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 439-452

A   Observation of events with an isolated high energy lepton and missing transverse momentum at HERA / K. Meier u.a.

A   Photo-production of psi (2S) mesons at HERA / B. Povh u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 421 (1998), S. 385-394

A   Thrust jet analysis of deep-inelastic large-rapidity-gap events / B. Povh u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 1 (1998), S. 495-507

Putlitz, Gisbert zu    [Prof.]

A   Increased sensitivity to possible muonium to antimuonium conversion / V. Meyer u.a.
In: Intersections between particle & nuclear physics. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1997. - (AIP Conf. proc ; 412). - ISBN 1-56396-712-X. - S. 429

A   Status of the BNL muon (g-2) experiment / J.P. Miller u.a.
In: Intersections between particle & nuclear physics. - Woodbury, N.Y., 1997. - (AIP Conf. proc ; 412). - ISBN 1-56396-712-X. - S. 792

A   Status of the new muon (g-2) experiment / B.L. Roberts u.a.
In: Proceedings. - Singapore, River Edge, NJ, 1997. - ISBN 981-02-2874-0. - S. 1035

Putzer, Alois    [Prof.]

V   Studies of quantum chromodynamics with the ALEPH detector / ALEPH Collaboration. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : North-Holland, 1998. - 165 S. - (Physics reports ; 294,1/3)

A   Determination of A(b)(FB) using jet charge measurements in Z decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 426 (1998), S. 217-230

A   Four-jet final state production in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energoes ranging from 130 to 184 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 420 (1998), S. 196-204

A   K(O)(S) production in tau decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 29-45

A   Measurement of the axial-vector tau spectral functions and determination of alpha(s) (M(2)(tau)) from hadronic tau decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 409-431

A   Measurement of the b baryon lifetime and branching fractions in z decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 2 (1998), S. 197-212

A   Measurement of the fraction of hadronic z decays into charm quark pairs / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 557-570

A   A measurement of the gluon splitting rate into bb pairs in hadronic Z decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 434 (1998), S. 437-450

A   A measurement of the inclusive b -> sgamma branching ratio / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 429 (1998), S. 169-187

A   A measurement of the semileptonic branching ratio Br(b-baryon -> pl X) and a study of inclusive pi , K , (p,p) production in z decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 205-227

A   Measurement of the W mass by direct reconstruction in e(+)e(-) collisions at 172 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 422 (1998), S. 384-398

A   Measurement of triple gauge WWgamma couplings at lep2 using photonic events / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 445 (1998), S. 98-178

A   Measurement of triple gauge-boson couplings at 172 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 422 (1998), S. 369-383

A   Observation of doubly-charmed B decays at Lep / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 387-408

A   Resonant structure and flavour tagging in the Btau system using fully renconstructed B decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 425 (1998), S. 215-226

A   Scalar quark searches in e(+)e(-) collisions at SQRTs = 181-184 GeV in e(+)e(-) collisions / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 440 (1998), S. 403-418

A   Search for charged higgs bosons in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies from 130 to 172 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 418 (1998), S. 419-429

A   Search for charginos and neutralinos in e(+)e(-) collisions at s = 161 and 172 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 2 (1998), S. 417-440

A   Search for evidence of compositeness at lep I / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 571-590

A   Search for sleptons in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies up to 184 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 433 (1998), S. 176-194

A   Search for supersymmetry with a dominant r-parity violating lle coupling in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 GeV to 172 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 433-452

A   Search for the standard model higgs boson at the lep2 collider near s = 183 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 434 (1998), S. 419-434

A   Searches for supersymmetry in the photon(s) plus missing energy channels at s = 161 and 172 GeV / R. Barate u.a.

A   Searches for the neutral higgs bosons of the MSSM in e(+)e(-) collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 181-184 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 434 (1998), S. 189-199

A   Single- and multi-photon production in e(+)e(-) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 183 GeV / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 429 (1998), S. 201-214

A   Study of B(O)(S) oscillations and lifetime using fully reconstructed d(-)(S) decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 367-386

A   Study of D(O)D(O) mixing and D(O) doubly cabibbo-suppressed decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 436 (1998), S. 211-221

A   Three-prong tau decays with charged kaons / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 1 (1998), S. 65-79

A   An upper limit on the tau neutrino mas from three- and five-prong tau decays / R. Barate u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 2 (1998), S. 395-406

Rothe, Heinz J.    [Prof.]

A   A new look at the axial anomaly in lattice QED with Wilson fermions / H.J. Rothe mit N. Sadooghi
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 58 (1998), 074502

Schmidt-Rohr, Ulrich    [em.Prof.]

V   Die Aufbaujahre des Max-Planck-Instituts für Kernphysik / U. Schmidt-Rohr. - Heidelberg : Neumann Druck Heidelberg, 1998. - 180 S. - (Heidelberg: Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)

Schmidt, Bernhard    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Electron drift velocity and Townsend coefficient in DME-based gas mixtures / E. Oettinger u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : A. - 412 (1998), S. 355-360

A   Microstrip gas chambers : recent developments, radiation damage and long-term behavior
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : A. - 419 (1998), S. 230-238

Schmidt, Michael G.    [Prof.]

A   The electroweak phase transition - standard and "beyond"
In: Beyond the desert 1997 / edited by H.V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus and H. Paes. - Bristol, 1998. - ISBN 0-7503-0489-8. - S. 756-768

A   Exact combinatorics of Bern-Kosower type amplitudes for two-loop (Phi)(3) theory / M. Schmidt mit H.T. Sato
In: Nucl.Phys. : B. - 524 (1998), S. 742-764

A   The higher derivative expansion of the effective action by the string inspired method, part 2
In: Ann.Phys. - 264 (1998), S. 51-74

A   Nonperturbative correlation masses in the 3- dimensional SU(2)- Higgs-model / H.G. Dosch u.a.
In: Strong and electroweak matter '97. - Singapore, 1998. - (Eötvös conferences in science ; 97). - S. 374-378

Scholz, Michael    [Prof.]

A   Limb-darkening and radii of M-type Mira models / K.-H. Hofmann u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 339 (1998), S. 846-857

A   Limb-darkening and radii of non-Mira M giant models / K.-H. Hofmann mit M. Scholz
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 335 (1998), S. 637-646

Schwalm, Dirk    [Prof.]

A   Collective excitations built on the 2(+)(gamma) state in (168)Er / T. Härtlein u.a.
In: Europ.Phys.J. : A. - 2 (1998), S. 253-261

A   Conversion-electron gamma-ray coincidence spectroscopy of superdeformed (135)Nd / B. Aengenvoort u.a.
In: Europ.Phys.J. : A. - 1 (1998), S. 359-364

A   Coulomb explosion imaging at the heavy ion storage ring TSR / R. Wester u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : A. - 413 (1998), S. 379-396

A   Dissociative recombination of HD(+) in selected vibrational quantum states / Z. Amitay u.a.
In: Science. - 281 (1998), S: 75-78

A   Identification of excited states in the N=Z nucleus (68)Se with cluster detectors / S. Skoda u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : C. - 58 (1998), S. R5-R9

A   Near-threshold photodissociation of cold CH(+) in a storage ring / U. Hechtfischer u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 80 (1998), S. 2809-2812

A   Picosecond lifetime measurement of neutron core-excited states in the N = 50 nucleus (95)Rh / A. Jungclaus u.a.
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 637 (1998), S. 346-364

A   Rapid adiabatic passage in laser cooling of fast stored ion beams / R. Wanner u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : A. - 58 (1998), S. 2242-2251

A   Recent results on the ternary fission of (252)Cf / M. Mutterer u.a.
In: Coulomb fission in the Ra to U region / Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Institut fuer Kernphysik. - Darmstadt, 1998. - S. 119-130

A   Recoil distance transient field measurement in (87)Nb - a novel method to measure nuclear magnetic moments / A. Jungclaus u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 80 (1998), S. 2793-2796

A   The Rex-Isolde project / D. Habs u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth. : A. - 413 (1998), S. 379-396

A   The RFQ-accelerator for the Heidelberg high-current injector / H. Podlech u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth. : B. - 139 (1998), S. 437-440

A   Transverse laser cooling of a fast stored ion beam through dispersive coupling / I. Lauer u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 81 (1998), S. 2052-2055

A   The 7-gap-resonantor-accelerator for the Rex-Isolde-experiment at CERN / H. Podlech u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth. : B. - 139 (1998), S. 447-450

Siebert, Hans-Wolfgang    [Prof.]

V   First observation of the \Xi(-)\pi^+ decay mode of the \Xi^0(1690) hyperon / B. Povh u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 5 (1998), S. 621-624

A   The high-intensity hyperon beam at CERN / Yu.A. Alexandrov u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : A. - 408 (1998), S. 359-372

Specht, Hans-Joachim    [Prof.]

A   CERES results on low-mass electron pair production in Pb-Au collisions, Hadron physics with CERES: spectra and collective flow / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Quark matter '97 / ed. by T. Hatsuda ... - Amsterdam [u.a.], 1998. - (Nuclear physics : A, Nuclear and hadronic physics ; 638). - S. 159c-170c

A   Hadron physics with CERES: spectra and collective flow / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Quark matter '97 / ed. by T. Hatsuda ... - Amsterdam [u.a.], 1998. - (Nuclear physics : A, Nuclear and hadronic physics ; 638). - S. 467c-470c

A   Low-mass e(+)e(-) pair production in 158 A GeV Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS, its dependence on multiplicity and transverse momentum / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 422 (1998), S. 405-412

A   Neutral meson production in p-Be and p-Au collisions at 450 GeV beam energy / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 249-257

A   Systematic study of low-mass electron pair production in p-Be and p-Au collisions at 450 GeV / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : C. - 4 (1998), S. 231-247

Stachel, Johanna    [Prof.]

A   Anisotropic flow of identified particles in Au+Au collisions at AGS energy / S.A. Voloshin for the E877 collaboration
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 638 (1998), S. 455c

A   CERES results on low-mass electron pair production in Pb-Au collisions, Hadron physics with CERES: spectra and collective flow / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Quark matter '97 / ed. by T. Hatsuda ... - Amsterdam [u.a.], 1998. - (Nuclear physics : A, Nuclear and hadronic physics ; 638). - S. 159c-170c

A   Dynamics of ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions with heavy beams : an experimental overview / P. Braun-Munzinger mit J. Stachel
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 638 (1998), S. 3

A   Hadron physics with CERES: spectra and collective flow / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Quark matter '97 / ed. by T. Hatsuda ... - Amsterdam [u.a.], 1998. - (Nuclear physics : A, Nuclear and hadronic physics ; 638). - S. 467c-470c

A   Low-mass e(+)e(-) pair production in 158 A GeV Pb-Au collisions at the CERN SPS, its dependence on multiplicity and transverse momentum / G. Agakichiev u.a.
In: Phys.Lett. : B. - 422 (1998), S. 405-412

A   Particle production and hydrodynamic flow : recent results from E877 for Au+Au collisions at AGS energy / J.P. Wessels for the E877 collaboration
In: Nucl.Phys. : A. - 638 (1998), S. 69c

Traxel, Kurt    [Akad.ORat]

A   Two approaches in quantitative elemental analysis of biological materials using a nuclear microprobe / W.J. Przybylowicz u.a.
In: Proc.Annual Conf.Microscopy Soc.South Africa. - 28=56 (1998)

Ulmschneider, Peter    [Prof.]

A   Acoustic wave propagation in the solar atmosphere : III. analytic solutions for adiabatic wave excitations / G. Sutmann u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 340 (1998), S. 556-568

A   Basal heating in main-sequence stars and giants : results from monochromatic acoustic wave models / B. Buchholz u.a.
In: Astrophys.J. - 494 (1998), S. 700-714

A   Heating of chromospheres and coronae
In: Space solar physics / Jean Claude Vial ... (ed.). - Berlin [u.a.], 1998. - (Lecture notes in physics ; 507). - ISBN 3-540-64307-9. - S. 77-106

A   Heating of chromospheres and coronae
In: Highlights of Astron. - 11B (1998), S. 831-837

A   The heating of solar magnetic flux tubes : I. Adiabatic longitudinal tube waves / D.E. Fawzy u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 336 (1998), S. 1029-1038

A   On the generation of nonlinear magnetic tube waves in the solar atmosphere : II. Longitudinal tube waves / P. Ulmschneider u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 338 (1998), S. 311-321

A   Self-consistent and time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic chromosphere models for magnetically active stars / M. Cuntz u.a.
In: Astrophys.J. - 493 (1998), S. L117-L120

Völk, Heinrich J.    [Hon.Prof.]

A   AGN studies above 1.5 TeV with the HEGRA 5m(2) Cherenkov Telescope / D. Petry u.a.
In: Proc.25th ICRC. - 3 (1997), S. 241-244

A   Constraints on X-ray selected BL Lac objects by the HEGRA-system of Cherenkov telescopes / C. Renault u.a.
In: Rayos cosmicos 98 / Jose Medina (ed.) ... - Alcala de Henares. - ISBN 84-8138-290-6. - S. 535-538

A   Diffusive ion acceleration at shocks: the problem of injection / M.A. Malkov mit H.J. Völk
In: Adv.Space Res. - 21 (1998), S. 551-554

A   Electrostatic shocks driven by accelerated electrons / M.A. Malkov u.a.
In: Adv.Space Res. - 21 (1998), S. 547-550

A   Energy spectrum of TeV gamma rays from crab nebula / A.K. Konopelko u.a.
In: Rayos cosmicos 98 / Jose Medina (ed.) ... - Alcala de Henares. - ISBN 84-8138-290-6. - S. 523-526

A   First results of the performance of the HEGRA IACT array / A. Daum u.a.
In: Astropart.Phys. - 8 (1997), S. 1-11

A   LWS observations of a statistical sample of late-type galaxies from the VIRGO cluster / K.J. Leech u.a.
In: Proceedings of the First ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy / European Space Agency. - Noordwijk, 1997. - ISBN 92-9092-676-7

A   Measurement of the radial distribution of Cherenkov light generated by TeV gamma-ray air showers / F. Aharonian u.a. - 1998. - S. 21-29

A   Particle acceleration and gamma-ray production in shell remnants
In: Towards a Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Detector - V / Ed.: O.C. de Jager. - Potchefstrom, 1997. - (Space Research Unit ; 1997). - ISBN 1-86822-295-0. - S. 87-106

A   Spectrophotometry of dust and gas in Casssiopeia A and the cygnus loop / R.J. Tuffs u.a.
In: Proceedings of the First ISO Workshop on Analytical Spectroscopy / European Space Agency. - Noordwijk, 1997. - ISBN 92-9092-676-7. - S. 177-181

A   Study of charged cosmic rays above 1 TeV with the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov-Technique / M. Hemberger u.a.
In: Rayos cosmicos 98 / Jose Medina (ed.) ... - Alcala de Henares. - ISBN 84-8138-290-6. - S. 527-530

A   Study of mass composition and energy spectrum of primary cosmic radiation by the imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique / A.V. Plyasheshnikov u.a.
In: J.Phys. : G. - 24 (1998), S. 653-672

A   Study of the TeV emission from Mkn 501 with the stereoscopic Cherenov telescope system of HEGRA / H. Krawczynski u.a.
In: Rayos cosmicos 98 / Jose Medina (ed.) ... - Alcala de Henares. - ISBN 84-8138-290-6. - S. 539-542

A   Study on the cosmic ray spectrum and chemical composition using the imaging air Cherenkov technique / A. Konopelko u.a.
In: Proc.25th ICRC. - 3 (1997), S. 349-352

Wegner, Franz    [Prof.]

A   Flow equations for QED in the light front dynamics / E.L. Gubanova mit F. Wegner
In: Phys.Rev. : D. - 58 (1998), 025012, 8 S.

A   Flow equations of Hamiltonians
In: Phil.Mag. - B 77 (1998), S. 1249-1253

A   Hamiltonian flow in condensed matter physics
In: New non-perturbative methods and quantization on the light cone / LesHouches School. Ed. P. Grange ... - Berlin [u.a.], 1998. - (Centre de Physique <LesHouches>: Centre de Physique des Houches ; 8). - ISBN 3-540-64520-9. - S. 33-42

A   Low temperature expansion of the gonihedric Ising model / R. Pieting mit F. Wegner
In: Nucl.Phys. : B. - 525 (1998), S. 549-570

Wehrse, Rainer    [Prof.]

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