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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


Buck, Manfred    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Adsorption of docosanethiol from solution on polycrystalline silver surfaces: an XPS and NEXAFS study / M. Himmelhaus u.a.
In: J.Electron Spectrosc.Relat.Phenom. - 92 (1998), S. 139-149

A   A electrochemistry of steel electrodes: a combined study by linear reflectivity measurements and second harmonic generation / R. Kohring u.a.
In: Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem. - 102 (1998), S. 1393-1400

A   A molecular orientation determined by second harmonic generation (SHG): a study of self-assembled monolayers / F. Eisert u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : B. - 58 (1998), S. 10860-10870

A   Self-assembled monolayers from organosulfur compounds: a comparison between sulfides, disulfides, and thiols / Ch. Jung u.a.
In: Langmuir. - 14 (1998), S. 1103-1107

A   A solvent dependence of the self-assembly process of an endgroup-modified Alkanethiol / O. Dannenberger u.a.
In: Langmuir. - 14 (1998), S. 4679-4682

Cederbaum, Lorenz Srulek    [Prof.]

A   Ab initio calculations with a nonspherical Gaussian basis set : excited states of the hydrogen molecule / T. Detmer u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 9694-9700

A   Controlled interplay between decay and fragmentation in resonant Auger processes / E. Pahl u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 80 (1998), S. 1865-1868

A   Dynamical core-hole screening in weak chemisorption systems / N.V. Dobrodey u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : B. - 57 (1998), S. 7340-7351

A   Excited sigma states of the hydrogen molecule in a strong magnetic field / T. Detmer u.a.
In: Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York, 1998. - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997). - ISBN 0-306-45811-X. - S. 275-282

A   First order static excitation potential : scheme for excitation energies and transition moments / J. Brand mit L.S. Cederbaum
In: Phys.Rev. : A. - 57 (1998), S. 4311

A   Green's functions and propagators for chemistry
In: Encyclopedia of computational chemistry / hrsg. von Paul von Rague Schleyer ... - Chichester, 1998. - ISBN 0-471-96588-x

A   Highly excited electronic states of molecular clusters and their decay / J. Zobeley u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 108 (1998), S. 9737-9750

A   How small can a Peierls dimerized chain be? / I. Baldea u.a.
In: Solid State Commun. - 106 (1998), S. 733-737

A   The hydrogen molecule in a magnetic field: the lowest states of the pi manifold and the global ground state of the parallel configuration / T. Detmer u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : A. - 57 (1998), S. 1767-1777

A   Hydrogen molecule in magnetic fields : on excited sigma states of the parallel configuration / T. Detmer u.a.
In: Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York, 1998. - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997). - ISBN 0-306-45811-X

A   Interplay between dia- and paramagnetism in ensembles of mesoscopic Peierls rings in a magnetic flux / I. Baldea u.a.
In: Solid State Commun. - 108 (1998), S. 607-612

A   Long-lived states of N(-)(2) / T. Sommerfeld mit L.S. Cederbaum
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 80 (1998), S. 3723-3726

A   Mixed silicon-carbon dianions and their stability in the gas phase / A. Dreuw u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 2727-2736

A   Neutral two-body systems of charged particles in external fields
In: Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York, 1998. - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997). - ISBN 0-306-45811-X. - S. 241-254

A   On the adequacy of the one-particle picture of ionization for polymers / M.S. Deleuze mit L.S. Cederbaum
In: Polymer-solid interfaces / hrsg. von J.H. Pireaux ... - Namur

A   Partial localization of core holes in nonsymmetrical systems / N.V. Dobrodey u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : B. - 58 (1998), S. 2316-2323

A   Possible long-lived quartet resonance states of CO(-) / A. Dreuw u.a.
In: Theor.Chem.Acc. - 100 (1998), S. 60

A   Relaxation of a system with a conical intersection coupled to a bath: a benchmark 24-dimensional wave packet study treating the environment explicitly / G.A. Worth u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 3518-3529

A   The smooth structural change in mesoscopic Peierls chains / I. Baldea u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : B. - 3 (1998), S. 507-516

A   Strong dynamical screening in weak chemisorption systems / N.V. Dobrodey u.a.
In: Surf.Sci. - 402 (1998), S. 508

A   Sulfur cluster dianions / V. Berghof u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : A. - 102 (1998), S. 5100

A   Temporary anions-calculation of energy and lifetime by absorbing potentials : the N(-)(2) (2)pi(g) resonance / T. Sommerfeld u.a.
In: J.Phys. : B. - 31 (1998), S. 4107-4122

A   Theoretical evidence for delocalized inequivalent core holes / N.V. Dobrodey u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : A. - 102 (1998), S. 9405

A   Theory of wave packet dynamics: resonant Auger spectrum of HF / E. Pahl u.a.
In: J.Electron Spectrosc.Relat.Phenom. - 93 (1998), S. 17-30

Comba, Peter    [Prof.]

A   Helical figure-of-eight-loop dicopper(I) compounds : syntheses, structures and dynamics / P. Comba u.a.
In: Inorg.Chem. - 37 (1998), S. 4389

A   The importance of intra- and intermolecular weak bonds in transition metal coordination compounds
In: Intermolecular interactions / [proceedings of the Second Structural Chemistry Indaba on Intermolecular Interactions, held August 3-8, 1997, in Kruger Park, South Africa] ; edited by Werner Gans and Jan C. A. Boeyens. - New York [u.a.], c1998. - ISBN 0-306-45922-1. - S. 97

A   Molecular mechanics calculations and the metal ion selective extraction of lanthanoid ions / P. Comba u.a.
In: Inorg.Chem. - 37 (1998), S. 3310

A   Molecular mechanics modeling of the organic backbone of metal-free and coordinated ligands / J. Bol u.a.
In: J.Comput.Chem. - 19 (1998), S. 512

A   Preparation, structure and electronic properties of a low spin iron(II) hexaaminecompounds / H. Börzel u.a.
In: Inorg.Chem. - 37 (1998), S. 3853

A   The solution structure of a copper(II) compound of a new cyclic octapeptide by EPR spectroscopy and force field calculations / P. Comba u.a.
In: Inorg.Chem. - 37 (1998), S. 6721

A   Structural, ERP and electrochemical studies of binuclear copper(II) complexes of bis(pentadentate) ligands derived from bis(1,4,7-triazacyclononane) macrocycles / S. Brudenell u.a.
In: Inorg.Chem. - 37 (1998), S. 3705

A   Synthesis and characterisation of manganese(II) compounds with tetradentate ligands based on the bispidine backbone / P. Comba u.a.
In: J.Chem.Soc., Dalton Trans. - 1998 (1998), S. 3997

A   Transition metal coordination compounds of bisamidobispyridyl ligands / P. Comba u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 2041

Dinjus, Eckhard    [Prof.]

A   Corrosion of alloy 625 in aqueous solutions containing chloride and oxygen / P. Kritzer u.a.
In: Corrosion. - 54 (1998), S. 824-834

A   Corrosion of alloy 625 in high-temperature, high-pressure sulfate solutions / P. Kritzer u.a.
In: Corrosion. - 54 (1998), S. 689-699

A   Reactions of aldehydes with carbon dioxide at nickel(O) centers : a detailed kinetic analysis / C. Geyer u.a.
In: Organometallics. - 17 (1998), S. 98-103

A   Self assembly in transition metal complexes: structural characterization of the zinc carboxylate[bis(2-pyrrolecarboxylato) bis(1-methylimidazole)]zinc(II) / I.A. Zevaco u.a.
In: Polyhedron. - 17 (1998), S. 2199-2206

A   Syntheis of polymers with an intact lactone ring structure in the main chain / V. Haack u.a.
In: Angew.Makromol.Chem. - 257 (1998), S. 19-22

A   Synthesis and structural characterization of the zinc carboxylate bis(Ferrocenedicarboxylato) bis(1-methylimidazole)dizinc(II) : a structure displaying a bimetallic macrocyclic framework / I.A. Zevaco u.a.
In: Polyhedron. - 17 (1998), S. 613-616

A   Synthesis, spectral and structural characterization of the zinc carboxylate (Zn(2-quinolinecarboxylato)2(1-methylimidazole)2) / I.A. Zevaco u.a.
In: Inorg.Chim.Acta. - 269 (1998), S. 283-286

A   Vapor-liquid equilibria for the binary system of carbon dioxide and 1,3-butadiene at 303, 313 and 333 K / K.-D. Wagner u.a.
In: Fluid Phase Equilib. - 153 (1998), S. 135-142

Dreier, Thomas    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Absolute radical concentration measurements and modeling of low pressure CH(4)/O(2)/NO flames / W. Juchmann u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 469-476

A   Measurement and theoretical modeling of quantum beats in picosecond time-resolved degenerate four-wave mixing and polarization spectroscopy of OH in atmospheric pressure flames / A.A. Suvernev u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : A. - 58 (1998), S. 4102

A   Self-focusing in Terbium Gallium Garnet using Z-scan / X. Chen u.a.
In: Opt.Commun. - 153 (1998), S. 301-304

A   Thermal grating and broadband degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy of OH in high-pressure flames / H. Latzel u.a.
In: Appl.Phys. : B. - 67 (1998), S. 667-673

A   Vibrational relaxation and energy transfer in the hydrogen system at temperatures between 110 and 300 K / Y. Schneider-Kühnle u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 294 (1998), S. 191-196

Enders, Markus    [Akad.Rat]

A   Chirale Titan- und Zirkoniumkomplexe mit dem 1-(8-Chinolyl)-2,3-dimethylcyclopentadienyl-Liganden / M. Enders u.a.

Gleiter, Rolf Helmut    [Prof.]

A   Biscobaltocinium ions - synthesis and properties / R. Gleiter mit H. Schimanke
In: Tetrahedron Lett. - 39 (1998), S. 5023-5026

A   Bridgehead diphosphines in the bicyclo(3,3,3)-undecane and bicyclo(4,4,4)tetradecane series: synthesis, structure and properties / R.W. Alder u.a.
In: J.Am.Chem.Soc. - 120 (1998), S. 1657-1668

A   Experiments towards an analytical application of host-guest complexes of [60] fullerene and its derivatives / S. Giesa u.a.
In: Eur.Mass Spectrom. - 4 (1998), S. 189-196

A   Laticyclic conjugated double bonds within the framework of oligocondensed bicyclo(2,2,2)octenes / W. Grimme u.a.
In: J.Chem.Soc.Perkin Trans. 2. - 1998, S. 1893-2000

A   Linear and angular interactions in distellenes: photoelectron spectra and ab initio SCEMO studies / H. Lange u.a.
In: J.Am.Chem.Soc. - 120 (1998), S. 6563-6568

A   Medium-ring diphosphines from diphospha-bicyclo(k,1,0)alkanes: stereoselective syntheses, structure and properties / R.W. Alder u.a.
In: J.Chem.Soc.Perkin Trans. 1. - 1998, S. 1643-1656

A   Non-concerted cope rearrangement / W.R. Roth u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 961-968

A   On the electronic nature of a butadienyl biradical - experiments and ab initio MO calculations / R. Gleiter u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 1447-1454

A   On the homoconjugation of two acceptor groups / T. Doerner u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 1615-1624

A   Photochemistry of bridged and unbridged octaalkyl-substituted syn-tricyclo[,5)]octa-3,7-diene derivative / R. Gleiter mit S. Brand
In: Chem.Eur.J. - 4 (1998), S. 2532-

A   p-p-interactions in pentacyclo [,5)1.(4,7)1(8,11)] hexadeca-1,7-diene / H. Lange u.a.
In: J.Org.Chem. - 63 (1998), S. 3478-3480

A   Preparation and properties of stelladiones / R. Gleiter u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 171-176

A   Raman scattering study of C120, a C60 dimer / S. Lebedkin u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 285 (1998), S. 210-215

A   Reassessment of the electronic and molecular structure, bonding, and stability of zerovalent nickel acetylene complexes by the density functional method / I. Hyla-Kryspin u.a.
In: Organometallics. - 17 (1998), S. 4724-4733

A   Replacement of one CO unit in dicarbonyl(eta(5)-cyclopentadienyl)cobalt derivatives by bis(tert-butylsulfonyl)acetylene / C. Benisch u.a.
In: Chem.Ber. - 1998, S. 629-632

A   A short synthesis of donor-acceptor substituted CpCo-capped cyclobutadiene-superphanes / G. Haberhauer mit R. Gleiter
In: Tetrahedron Lett. - 39 (1998), S. 6695-

A   Shorter nonbonded than bonded contacts or nonclassical metal-to-saturated carbon atom interactions? / R. Tomaszewski u.a.
In: J.Am.Chem.Soc. - 120 (1998), S. 2959-2960

A   Solid state structural analysis of the "naked" isodicyclopentadienide anion / J.C. Gallucci u.a.
In: Organometallics. - 17 (1998), S. 111-113

A   Structure of 2,4,6-tri-tert-butyl-1,3,5-triphosphabenzene and of 2,4-Di-tert-butyl-1,3-diphosphabenzene: x-ray analysis, photoelectron spectra and molecular orbital calculations / R. Gleiter u.a.
In: Chem.Ber. - 1998, S. 1619-1622

A   Syntheses and properties of S2-bridged benzidines / Q. Zhu-Ohlbach u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 2409-2416

A   Syntheses and structural properties of distellenes / R. Gleiter u.a.
In: J.Org.Chem. - 63 (1998), S. 2878-2886

A   Synthesis and electrochemical properties of butadiyne-bridged cyclopentadienylcobalt-cyclobutadine complexes / H. Schimanke mit R. Gleiter
In: Organometallics. - 17 (1998), S. 275-277

A   Synthesis and properties of superphanes with cyclopentadienone units / R. Roers u.a.
In: Tetrahedron Lett. - 39 (1998), S. 7831-7834

A   Synthesis and structural properties of bridged 1,8-diazacyclotetradeca-4,11-diynes / V. Wolfart u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 2803-

A   Synthesis and structural properties of bridged 1,8-diazacyclotetradeca-4,11-diynes / V. Wolfart u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 2803-2809

A   Threefold and fourfold [2 - 2] cycloadditions of cyclic diynes as a consequence of steric effects: en route to polymers / G. Haberhauer u.a.
In: Angew.Chem. : Int.Ed.Engl. - 37 (1998), S. 3376-

A   1,8-diazabicyclo(6,6,4)octadeca-4,11,16-triyne: a bridgehead amine with planar nitrogens / V. Wolfart u.a.
In: Tetrahedron Lett. - 39 (1998), S. 573 ff

Grunze, Michael    [Prof.]

A   Adsorption of docosanethiol from solution on polycrystalline silver surfaces: an XPS and NEXAFS study / M. Himmelhaus u.a.
In: J.Electron Spectrosc.Relat.Phenom. - 92 (1998), S. 139-149

A   Blood compatibility of poly[bis(trifluoroethoxy) phosphazene] / M. Grunze u.a.
In: Soc.Plast.Eng.Ann.Tech.Conf. - 44 (1998), S. 2713-2717

A   Chemical analysis based on environmentally sensitive hydrogels and optical diffraction / J. Schumacher u.a.
In: Micro total analysis systems '98 / edited by D. Jed Harrison and Albert van den Berg. - Dordrecht [u.a.], 1998. - ISBN 0-7923-5322-6. - S. 61-64

A   A electrochemistry of steel electrodes: a combined study by linear reflectivity measurements and second harmonic generation / R. Kohring u.a.
In: Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem. - 102 (1998), S. 1393-1400

A   Experience with isolated cardiomyoplasty in patients with contraindications for heart transplantation / R. Lange u.a.
In: Cardiac bioassist / editors, Alain F. Carpentier, Juan Carlos Chachques, Pierre A. Grandjean ; associate editor, John Y.M. Relland. - Armonk, NY, 1997. - (Bakken Research Center Series ; v.11). - ISBN 0-87993-647-9. - S. 135-148

A   Formation and characterization of self-assembled monolayers of octadecyltrimethoxysilane on chromium: application in low energy electron lithography / R. Hild u.a.
In: Langmuir. - 14 (1998), S. 342-346

A   Holographic imaging of macromolecules / A. Goelzhaeuser u.a.
In: J.Vac.Sci.Technol. : A. - 16 (1998), S. 3025-3028

A   In situ detection of cells and biochemical reactions by optical diffaction / F. Morhard u.a.
In: Micro total analysis systems '98 / edited by D. Jed Harrison and Albert van den Berg. - Dordrecht [u.a.], 1998. - ISBN 0-7923-5322-6. - S. 469-472

A   Increased lateral density in alkanethiolate films on gold by mercury adsorption / J. Thome u.a.
In: Langmuir. - 14 (1998), S. 7435-7449

A   Low energy configurations of methoxy tri(ethylene glycol) terminated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers and their relevance to protein adsorption / A.J. Pertsin u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : B. - 102 (1998), S. 4918-4926

A   Low energy electron-induced damage in hexadecanethiolate monolayers / H.U. Mueller u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : B. - 102 (1998), S. 7949-7959

A   Metastable-atom-activated growth of an ultra-thin carbonaceous resist for reactive ion etching of SiO(2) and Si(3)N(4) / J.H. Thywissen u.a.
In: J.Vac.Sci.Technol. : B. - 16 (1998), S. 1155-1160

A   Molecular conformation in oligo(ethylene glycol) terminated self-assembled monolayers on gold and silver surfaces determines their ability to resist protein adsorption / P. Harder u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : B. - 102 (1998), S. 426-436

A   Photoelectron diffraction imaging of microcrystallites on the surface of a Ni polycrystal / M. Zharnikov u.a.
In: Surf.Rev.Lett. - 5 (1998), S. 501-514

A   Plasma protein adsorption and platelet adhesion on poly(bis(trifluoroethoxy)phosphazene) and reference material surfaces / A. Welle u.a.
In: J. Colloid Interface Sci. - 197 (1998), S. 263-274

A   Reduced pulmonary function in patients with spinal osteoporotic fractures / C. Schlaich u.a.
In: Osteopor.Int. - 8 (1998), S. 261-267

A   Self-assembled monolayers from organosulfur compounds: a comparison between sulfides, disulfides, and thiols / Ch. Jung u.a.
In: Langmuir. - 14 (1998), S. 1103-1107

A   Static energy calculations of stress-strain behavior of self-assembled monolayers / R. Henda u.a.
In: Tribology Lett. - 5 (1998), S. 191-195

Hellwinkel, Dieter    [Prof.]

V   Die systematische Nomenklatur der organischen Chemie : eine Gebrauchsanweisung ; mit 35 Tabellen / D. Hellwinkel. - 4., erw. und erg. Aufl. - Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Barcelona ; Budapest ; Hongkong ; London ; Mailand ; Paris ; Santa Clara ; Singapur ; Tokio : Springer, 1998. - XII, 227 S. ; 21 cm
ISBN 3-540-63221-2

Helmchen, Günter    [Prof.]

A   Asymmetric allylic substitutions with Pd complexes of phosphinooxazolines as ligands - preparative and mechanistic aspects / G. Helmchen u.a.
In: Selective reactions of metal activated molecules / Helmut Werner ... (ed.). - Braunschweig, 1998. - ISBN 3-528-06918-X. - S. 105-115

A   Chiral phosphinooxazolines with a bi- or tricyclic oxazoline moiety - applications in Pd-catalyzed allylic alkylations / B. Wiese mit G. Helmchen
In: Tetrahedron Lett. - 39 (1998), S. 5727-5730

A   Enantioselective allylic substitution of cyclic substrates by catalysis with palladium complexes of P,N-chelate ligands with a cymantrene unit / S. Kudis mit G. Helmchen
In: Angew.Chem. - 110 (1998), S. 3210-3212. - Erschienen auch in: Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl. - 37

A   First enantioselective synthesis of (+) (3R, 3aS, 6aS)-3-hydroxy-3,3a,4,6a-tetrahydrocyclopenta[b]furan-2-one - a versatile chiral herocyclic building block / S. Kudis mit G. Helmchen

A   (Phosphino-oxazoline)copper(II) complexes as chiral catalysts for enantioselective Diels-Alder reactions / I. Sagasser mit G. Helmchen
In: Tetrahedron Lett. - 39 (1998), S. 261-264

A   Synthesis and application of the first chiral and highly Lewis acidic silyl cationic catalyst / M. Johannsen u.a.
In: J.Am.Chem.Soc. - 120 (1998), S. 7637-7638

Hess, Peter    [Prof.]

A   Absolute measurement of gas concentrations and saturation behavior in pulsed photoacoustics / S. Schäfer u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 285 (1998), S. 235-239

A   Density and elastic constants of hot-filament-deposited polycrystalline diamond films: methane concentration dependence / R. Kuschnereit u.a.
In: Thin Solid Films. - 312 (1998), S. 66-72

A   Elastic and mechanical properties of ion-implanted silicon determined by surface-acoustic-wave spectrometry / M. Szabadi u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : B. - 58 (1998), S. 8941-8948

A   Excitation of higher harmonics in transient laser gratings by an ablative mechanism / Y.-C. Shen u.a.
In: Appl.Phys.Lett. - 73 (1998), S. 1640-1642

A   In situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and stochastic modeling of surface chemistry of amorphous silicon growth / U. Wetterauer u.a.
In: J.Appl.Phys. - 83 (1998), S. 6096-6105

A   Intensity distribution of light emitted from a fiber tip mapped by short surface acoustic wave pulses / Y. Shen u.a.

A   Photochemical hydrogen desorption from H-terminated silicon (111) by VUV photons / A. Pusel u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 81 (1998), S. 645-648

A   Pulsed nonlinear surface acoustic waves in crystals / R. Kumon u.a.
In: 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting Acoustical Society of America / Eds.: Patricia K. Kuhl ... - Woodbury, NY, 1998. - ISBN 1-56396-817-7. - 3 (1998), S. 1557-1558

A   Sensitive detection of methane with a 1.65 my m diode laser by photoacoustic and absorption spectroscopy / S. Schäfer u.a.
In: Appl.Phys. : B. - 66 (1998), S. 511-516

Hofmann, Peter    [Prof.]

A   Metallorganische Lewis-Säuren, LVI. Vom Bis(alkin)-Komplex [(OC)(4)Re(eta(2)-MeCCMe)(2)](+)BF(4)(-) zu [(OC)(4)Re(eta(4)-C(4)Me(4))](+)BF(4)(-) mit rechteckigem Cyclobutadien-Liganden. Die erste beobachtbare cis-Bis(alkin)/Cyclobutadien-Umlagerung / E. Lippmann u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 556 (1998), S. 207-217

A   Synthesis, molecular dynamics and electronic structure of a stable platinum alpha-cabonyl diazoalkane complex / B.F. Straub mit P. Hofmann
In: Inorg.Chem.Commun. - 1 (1998), S. 350-353

Huttner, Gottfried    [Prof.]

A   [[(CO)(5)Cr](6)Ge(6)](2-), a molecular organometallic derivative of the unknown Zintl Ion [Ge(6)](2-) / P. Kircher u.a.
In: Angew.Chem. : Int.Ed.Engl. - 37 (1998), S. 1664-1666. - Erschienen auch in: Angew. Chem. - 110

A   Chirale tripod-Liganden mit einer Cyclopentadienyl- und zwei Phosphin-Donorfunktionen : Synthese und Komplexchemie / B. Antelmann u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 546 (1997), S. 407-420

A   Cobalt-catalyzed selective oxidation of the tritertiary phosphane Triphos with molecular oxygen / K. Heinze u.a.
In: Chem.Ber./Recueil. - 130 (1997), S. 1393-1403

A   Complexes of cobalt (II) chloride with the tripodal trisphosphane triphos : solution dynamics, spin-crossover, reactivity and redox activity / K. Heinze u.a.
In: Inorg.Chem. - 36 (1997), S. 5457-5469

A   Crystal and molecular structure of a ketocarboxylatocopper (II) intermediate in the oxygenation of a copper (I) flavonolate complex / I. Lippai u.a.
In: Chem.Commun. - 1997 (1997), S. 741-742

A   Crystal structure of bis(benzoato)tris(pyridine)copper (II)-acetonitrile-pyridine (4/4/1), 4[Cu(PhCO(2))(2)(Py)(3)] 4CH(3)CN C(5)H(5)N / G. Speier u.a.
In: Zs.Kristallogr. - 213 (1998), S. 263-264

A   Diastereoselectivity in the reaction of RCH(2)C [CH(2)P (Ar) (Li)](3) with electrophiles: Enhancement of diastereoselective control by eta(3)-coordination in [RCH(2)C [CH(2)P) (Ar) (Li)](3)]Mo (CO)(3) / M. Büchner u.a.
In: Chem.Ber./Recueil. - 130 (1997), S. 1379-1392

A   Functionalized ether derivatives of HOCH(2)C(CH(2)PPh(2))(3) and related tripod ligands : synthesis and coordination chemistry / P. Schober u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 1407-1415

A   Funktionalisierte Cyclopentadienylliganden für den Aufbau von tripod-Komplexen : Synthese und Komplexchemie / B. Antelmann u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 553 (1998), S. 433-441

A   How to derive force field parameters by genetic algorithms : modelling tripod-Mo (CO)(3) compounds as an example / J. Hunger u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 693-702

A   How to predict conformations accessible to a molecule in solution: Validation of a force field-based predicition of NOE distances by comparison with the experimental dat for the series of compounds CH(3)C[CH(2)P(Bzl)R](3)Mo(CO)(3) (R = Ph, m-Xyl) / St. Beyreuther u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 1641-1653

A   Magnetic interaction in dinuclear triphos-cobalt complexes with Co...Co separations of 8 and 10 A / K. Heinze u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 183-189

A   Partially oxidized Zintl Ions? The Characterization of [(my(3)-OH) (my(3)-O)(3)(OEt)(3)[(CO)(5)W](7)Sn(7)](2-) / P. Kircher u.a.
In: Angew.Chem. : Int.Ed.Engl. - 37 (1998), S. 1666-1668. - Erschienen auch in: Angew.Chem. - 110

A   Penta-coordinated chlorosilanes : reaction chemistry, structure and bonding / M .Weinmann u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 563 (1998), S. 61-72

A   Pi-bonding in the star-type compound [[CO)(5)Cr](3)Sn](2-). How to rationalize its electronic absorption spectrum and its out-of-range (119)Sn-NMR shift of delta = 3924 / P. Kircher u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 562 (1998), S. 217-227

A   Pyrazole as a donor function in neopentane-based tripod ligands RCH(2) (CH(2)pyrazol-1-yl) (3-n) (CH(2)PR(2)(n) : synthesis and coordination chemistry / A. Jacobi u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 675-692

A   Reaction studies of hypervalent silicon hydride compounds / M. Weinmann u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 561 (1998), S. 131-141

A   Reaktionsverhalten metallkoordinierter 1-Molybda-2-Phospha-1,3-Diene gegenüber Alkinen und Diinen / H. Lang u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 533 (1997), S. 167-175

A   Rhodium COD complexes of mixed donor set tripod ligands : coordination chemistry and catalysis / A. Jacobi u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 571 (1998), S. 231-241

A   Synthesis, coordination chemistry and polymerfixation of the tripod ligand HOC(6)H(4)CH(2)C(CH(2)PPh(2))(3) / P. Schober u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 571 (1998), S. 279-288

A   Synthesis, reaction chemistry and electrochemical behaviour of (eta(5)-C(5)H(4)SiMe(3))(2)Hf(C CFc)(2) / S. Back u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 563 (1998), S. 73-79

A   Thiolate and thioether functions as donor groups X, Y in tripod ligands RCH(2)C (CH(2)PPh(2)) (CH(2)X) (CH(2)Y) : synthesis and coordination chemistry / R. Soltek mit G. Huttner. - 1998. - S. 1417-1424

A   Transition metal coordinated Al (X) L(2) and Ga (X) L(2) fragments / R.A. Fischer u.a.
In: J.Am.Chem.Soc. - 120 (1998), S. 1237-1248

A   Tripod ligands containing a mixed P/N/S donor set : synthesis and coordination chemistry / A. Jacobi u.a.
In: Chem.Ber./Recueil. - 130 (1997), S. 1279-1294

A   tripod ligands of constitutional C(1) symmetry containing a deliberate set of mixed P/S donor groups : synthesis and coordination chemistry / R. Soltek u.a.
In: Inorg.Chim.Acta. - 269 (1998), S. 143-156

A   Tripod-Liganden mit Chyclopentadienyl-Donorgruppe: Synthese und Reaktivitaet von Komplexen des Typs CH(3)C (CH(2)-eta(5)-C(5)H(4)) (CH(2)PR(2)) (CH(2)PR'(2)) FeCl / B. Antelmann u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 549 (1997), S. 139-148

A   Tripod-Liganden mit Cyclopentadienyl-Donorgruppe: Aufbau und Reaktionen des Tripod-Mo-Templats CH(3)C (CH(2)-eta(5)-C(5)H(4)) (CH(2)PPh(2))(2)MO / B. Antelmann u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 555 (1998), S. 119-125

A   The 1,3-Sn(2)O(2)-heterocycle as a ligand in organometallic compounds - dimerization of the inidene species [[(CO)(5)M](2)SnOR]- (M = Cr, W) / P. Kircher u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 1057-1066

A   (2,2'-Bipyridine) (flavonolato) copper (II) Perchlorate, [Cu(bpy) (fla)]ClO(4) / I. Lippai u.a.
In: Acta Cryst. - C53 (1997), S. 1547-1549

A   4-coordinate group-14 elements in the formal oxidation state of zero : syntheses, structures, and dynamics of [[(CO)(5)Cr](2)Sn(L(2)] and related species / P. Kircher u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 703-720

Irngartinger, Herrmann    [Prof.]

A   Composition of an anthocyan concentrate from Aronia melanocarpa Elliot - x-ray analysis of tetraacetyl parasorboside / K. Weinges u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 189-192

A   Crystal structure of N-methyl-N-phenyl-(2-methyl-3-phenylcyclopropenylidene)ammonium perchlorate, C(17)H(16)N(+)ClO(4)(-)and of 3-cyano-1,2,3-triphenylcycloprop-1-ene - benzene (1/2), C(22)H(15)N 2C(6)H(6) / H. Irngartinger mit A. Altreuther
In: Zs.Kristallogr.NCS. - 213 (1998), S. 797-799

A   Crystal structure of 3-[2-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)ethenyl]-4,4-dimethoxy-cyclohexa-2,5-dienone, C(16)H(14)Cl(2)O(3) / H. Irngartinger mit B. Stadler
In: Zs.Kristallogr.NCS. - 213 (1998), S. 583-584

A   Diastero- and enantioselective delta-H abstraction in the solid state of 1-benzoyl-8-benzylnaphthalene - absolute asymmetric synthesis due to a chiral crystal environment / H. Irngartinger u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 2079-2082

A   Electron density distribution in a 1,2-difluorinated cubane derivative / H. Irngartinger mit S. Strack
In: J.Am.Chem.Soc. - 120 (1998), S. 5818-5819

A   Preparation and properties of stelladiones / R. Gleiter u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 171-176

A   Replacement of one CO unit in dicarbonyl(eta(5)-cyclopentadienyl)cobalt derivatives by bis(tert-butylsulfonyl)acetylene / C. Benisch u.a.
In: Chem.Ber. - 1998, S. 629-632

A   Syntheses and structural properties of distellenes / R. Gleiter u.a.
In: J.Org.Chem. - 63 (1998), S. 2878-2886

A   Synthesis and structural properties of bridged 1,8-diazacyclotetradeca-4,11-diynes / V. Wolfart u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 2803-2809

A   Synthesis and topochemistry of 2,5-bisacrylate-substituted 1,4-benzoquinones / H. Irngartinger mit R. Herpich
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 595-604

A   Synthesis, structures and topochemistry of 2-monovinyl-substituted 1,4-benzoquinones / H. Irngartinger mit B. Stadler
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 605-626

Köppel, Horst    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Ab initio quantum dynamical study of the vinylidene-acetylene isomerization / R. Schork mit H. Köppel
In: Theor.Chem.Acc. - 100 (1998), S. 204-211

A   Geometric phases and quantum dynamics in spin-orbit coupled systems / J. Schön mit H. Köppel
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 108 (1998), S. 1503-1513

A   How small can a Peierls dimerized chain be? / I. Baldea u.a.
In: Solid State Commun. - 106 (1998), S. 733-737

A   Interplay between dia- and paramagnetism in ensembles of mesoscopic Peierls rings in a magnetic flux / I. Baldea u.a.
In: Solid State Commun. - 108 (1998), S. 607-612

A   On the optical emission spectrum of Rydberg-exited H(3) / S. Mahapatra mit H. Köppel
In: Discuss.Faraday Soc. - 110 (1998), S. 248-249

A   Quantum mechanical study of optical emission spectra of Rydberg-excited H(3) and its isotopomers / S. Mahapatra mit H. Köppel
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 81 (1998), S. 3116-3119

A   The smooth structural change in mesoscopic Peierls chains / I. Baldea u.a.
In: Eur.Phys.J. : B. - 3 (1998), S. 507-516

A   Spectra and time-dependent dynamics of H(3) near the conical intersection in the (2p)1E' ground electronic manifold / S. Mahapatra mit H. Köppel
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 1721-1733

A   Theoretical study of the Rydberg emission spectrum of triatomic Hydrogen / H. Köppel u.a.
In: Proceedings of XIV Jahn-Teller Symposium. - Erice, 1998. - (World Scientific)

A   Vibronic dynamics of polyatomic molecules / H. Köppel mit W. Domcke
In: Encyclopedia of computational chemistry / hrsg. von Paul von Rague Schleyer ... - Chichester, 1998. - ISBN 0-471-96588-x

A   Vibronic structure of the valence pi-photoelectron bands in furan, pyrrole, and thiophene / A.B. Trofimov u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 1025-1040

Krätschmer, Wolfgang    [Prof.]

A   Characterization of the fullerene derivate C(119) / A. Gromov u.a.
In: Molecular nanostructures / ed. Hans Kuzmany ... - Singapore [u.a.], 1998. - S. 106-109

A   Collisions with fullerenes : from basic dynamics to the production and isolation of new materials / N. Krawez u.a.
In: Mol.Mat. - 10 (1998), S. 19-28

A   The C(60)-C(60)O system : a source of new fullerene derivates / A. Gromov u.a.
In: Molecular nanostructures / ed. Hans Kuzmany ... - Singapore [u.a.], 1998. - S. 96-100

A   Experiments towards an analytical application of host-guest complexes of [60] fullerene and its derivatives / S. Giesa u.a.
In: Eur.Mass Spectrom. - 4 (1998), S. 189-196

A   IR spectroscopy and HPLC separation of Endohedal Li@C(60) / N. Krawetz u.a.
In: Molecular nanostructures / ed. Hans Kuzmany ... - Singapore [u.a.], 1998. - S. 184-188

A   Isomers of the dimeric fullerene C(120)O(2) / A. Gromov u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : A. - 102 (1998), S. 4997-5005

A   Laser induced emission spectroscopy of carbon clusters in solid argon / I. Cermac u.a.
In: Electronic properties of novel materials / eds.: H. Kuzmany ... - Woodbury, N.Y., 1998. - (AIP conference proceedings ; 442). - ISBN 1-56396-808-8. - S. 425-429

A   Laser-induced emission spectroscopy of matrix-isolated molecules: : experimental setup and new results on C(3) / I. Cermac u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 108 (1998), S. 10129-10142

A   Optical effects in carbon-ion irradiated diamond / K.L. Bhatia u.a.
In: Thin Solid Films. - 324 (1998), S. 11-18

A   Raman and infrared signatures of C(120)O : experiments and theoretical in predictions / M. Krause u.a.
In: Molecular nanostructures / ed. Hans Kuzmany ... - Singapore [u.a.], 1998. - S. 101-105

A   Raman scattering study of C(120), a C(60)dimer / S. Lebedkin u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 285 (1998), S. 201-215

A   Resonance-enhanced Multiphoton Electron Detachment (REMPED) Spectra of C(10)(-) and C(11)(-) / M. Ohara u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 1329-1333

A   Vibrational signatures of fullerene oxides / M. Krause u.a.
In: J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. - 94 (1998), S. 2287-2294

Lichtenthaler, Ruediger N.    [Prof.]

A   Excess properties of binary alkanol-ether mixtures and the application of the ERAS-model / K. Kammerer mit R.N. Lichtenthaler
In: Thermochimica Acta. - 310 (1998), S. 61-67

A   Solubility of carbon dioxide in aqueous solutions of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol and N-methyldiethanolamine and their mixtures in the temperature range from 313 to 353 K and pressures up to 2.7 MPa / D. Silkenbäumer u.a.
In: Ind.Eng.Chem.Res. - 37 (1998), S. 3133-3141

A   Sorption isotherms of vanadium with H(3)O(+) ions in cation exchange membranes / E. Wiedemann u.a.
In: J.Membr.Sci. - 141 (1998), S. 207-213

A   Transport properties of vanadium ions in cation exchange membranes : determination of diffusion coefficients using a dialysis cell / E. Wiedemann u.a.
In: J.Membr.Sci. - 141 (1998), S. 215-221

Meyer, Hans-Dieter    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Calculation of H + H(2) and H + D(2) reaction probabilities within the multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree approach employing an adiabatic correction scheme / A. Jäckle mit H.-D. Meyer
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 2614-2623

A   Comment on: Generalization of the multiconfigurational time-dependent Hartree method to nonadiabatic systems : [J.Chem.Phys. 105, 9191 (1966)] / H.-D. Meyer u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 349 ff.

A   Controlled interplay between decay and fragmentation in resonant Auger processes / E. Pahl u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 80 (1998), S. 1865-1868

A   Extracting accurate bound-state spectra from approximate wave packet propagation using the filter-diagonalization method / M.H. Beck mit H.-D. Meyer
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 3730-3741

A   Multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree method
In: Encyclopedia of computational chemistry / hrsg. von Paul von Rague Schleyer ... - Chichester, 1998. - ISBN 0-471-96588-x

A   Product representation of potential energy surfaces. II / A. Jäckle mit H.-D. Meyer
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 3772-3779

A   Relaxation of a system with a conical intersection coupled to a bath: a benchmark 24-dimensional wave packet study treating the environment explicitly / G.A. Worth u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 3518-3529

A   Temporary anions-calculation of energy and lifetime by absorbing potentials : the N(-)(2) (2)pi(g) resonance / T. Sommerfeld u.a.
In: J.Phys. : B. - 31 (1998), S. 4107-4122

A   Theory of wave packet dynamics: resonant Auger spectrum of HF / E. Pahl u.a.
In: J.Electron Spectrosc.Relat.Phenom. - 93 (1998), S. 17-30

A   The transformative complex absorbing potential method: A bridge between complex absorbing potentials and smooth exterior scaling / U.V. Riss mit H.-D. Meyer
In: J.Phys. : B. - 31 (1998), S. 2279-2304

Monkhouse, Penelope    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Energy transfer in the A(2)sigma state of OH following v'=1 excitation in a low pressure CH(4)/O(2)-flame / P. Monkhouse mit S. Selle
In: Appl.Phys. : B. - 64 (1998), S. 645-651

Quadbeck-Seeger, Hans-Jürgen    [em.Prof.]

V   Faszination Innovation : Wichtiges und Wissenswertes von A bis Z / Hans-Juergen Quadbeck-Seeger. - Weinheim [u.a.] : Wiley-VCH, 1998. - XIII, 296 S.
Literaturverz. S. 265 - 280
ISBN 3-527-29563-1

Schick, Hartmut    [Akad.ORat]

A   Composition of an anthocyan concentrate from Aronia melanocarpa Elliot - x-ray analysis of tetraacetyl parasorboside / K. Weinges u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 189-192

Schirmer, Jochen    [Prof.]

A   A non-Dyson third-order approximation scheme for the electron propagator / J. Schirmer u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 4734-4744

A   Vibronic structure of the valence pi-photoelectron bands in furan, pyrrole, and thiophene / A.B. Trofimov u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 1025-1040

Schmelcher, Peter    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Ab initio calculations with a nonspherical Gaussian basis set : excited states of the hydrogen molecule / T. Detmer u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 109 (1998), S. 9694-9700

A   Analytical solutions to one-dimensional dissipative and discrete chaotic dynamics / D. Pingel u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : E. - 58 (1998), S. 369-375

A   Evidence for helium in the magnetic white dwarf GD 229 / S. Jordan u.a.
In: Astron.Astrophys. - 336 (1998), S. L33-L36

A   Excited sigma states of the hydrogen molecule in a strong magnetic field / T. Detmer u.a.
In: Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York, 1998. - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997). - ISBN 0-306-45811-X. - S. 275-282

A   A general approach to the finding of unstable periodic orbits in chaotic dynamical systems / P. Schmelcher mit F.K. Diakonos
In: Phys.Rev. : E. - 57 (1998), S. 2739-2746

A   Ground state of the lithium atom in strong magnetic fields / M.V. Ivanov mit P. Schmelcher
In: Phys.Rev. : A. - 57 (1998), S. 3793-3800

A   Highly excited charged two-body systems in a magnetic field : a perturbation theoretical approach to their classical dynamics / W. Becken mit P. Schmelcher
In: Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York, 1998. - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997). - ISBN 0-306-45811-X. - S. 207-214

A   The hydrogen molecule in a magnetic field: the lowest states of the pi manifold and the global ground state of the parallel configuration / T. Detmer u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : A. - 57 (1998), S. 1767-1777

A   Mesoscopic motion of atomic ions in magnetic fields / D.M. Leitner mit P. Schmelcher
In: Rapid.Communic.Phys.Rev.A. - 58 (1998), S. R3383-R3386

A   Neutral two-body systems of charged particles in external fields
In: Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York, 1998. - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997). - ISBN 0-306-45811-X. - S. 241-254

A   On the ground state of the hydrogen molecule in a strong magnetic field / P. Schmelcher mit T. Detmer
In: Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York, 1998. - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997). - ISBN 0-306-45811-X. - S. 265-274

A   On the ground states of atoms and molecules in strong magnetic fields
In: Int.J.Quantum Chem. - 70 (1998), S. 789-795

A   Positronium in crossed electric and magnetic fields : the existence of long-lived ground state / J. Shertzer u.a.
In: Phys.Rev. : A. - 58 (1998), S. 1129-1138

A   Stabilization of matter-antimatter atoms in crossed electric and magnetic fields / P. Schmelcher u.a.
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : B. - 143 (1998), S. 202-208

A   Systematic computation of the least unstable periodic orbits in chaotic attractors / F.K. Diakonos u.a.
In: Phys.Rev.Lett. - 81 (1998), S. 4349-4352

H   Atoms and molecules in strong external fields / edited by P. Schmelcher and W. Schweizer. - New York : Plenum Pub, 1998. - IX,336 S. . - (W. E. Heraeus Seminar Proceedings ; 172nd, 1997)
ISBN 0-306-45811-X

Schramm, Bernhard    [Prof.]

A   Characterization of chromium (III) oxide powders prepared by laser-induced pyrolysis of chromyl chloride / G. Peters u.a.
In: Materials Chem.Phys. - 55 (1998), S. 197-201

A   Nuclear spin state relaxation of formaldehyde in mixtures with inert gases / G. Peters mit B. Schramm
In: Ber.Bunsenges.Phys.Chem. - 102 (1998), S. 1857-1864

A   Second virial coefficients for atom-molecule complexes from Ab Initio SAPT potentials / R. Moszynski u.a.
In: Polish J.Chem. - 72 (1998), S. 1479-1496

A   Vibrational relaxation of HC1 (v = 1) in HC1/CO(2) and HC1/CO(2)/argon gaseous mixtures / J.A. Lamp mit B. Schramm
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 288 (1998), S. 83-88

Sick, Volker    [Akad.Rat]

A   Applied laser spectroscopy in combustion devices / V. Sick mit J. Wolfrum
In: Atomic physics methods in modern research / K. Jungmann ... (ed.). - Berlin [u.a.], 1997. - (Lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 499). - ISBN 3-540-63716-8. - S. 271-281

A   Comparative study of experimental and numerical NO profiles in SI combustion / C. Schulz u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 2077-2084

A   Dual-wavelength temperature measurements in an IC engine using 3-pentanone laser-induced fluorescence / S. Einecke u.a.
In: Laser applications to chemical and environmental analysis. - Conference ed. - Washington, DC, 1998. - (Technical digest series (Optical Soc. of America) ; 3). - ISBN 1-55752-521-8. - S. 84-86

A   Laser spectroscopic investigation of flow fields and NO-formation in a realistic SI engine / F. Hildenbrand u.a.
In: SAE Paper. - 980148 (1998)

A   Multi-dimensional laser diagnostic and numerical analysis of NO formation in a gasoline engine / G. Josefsson u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa.

A   Quantitative laser-based measurements and detailed chemical kinetic modeling of nitric oxide concentrations in methane/air counterflow diffusion flames / V. Sick u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa.

A   Simultaneous mapping of the distribution of different volatility classes using tracer LIF and NIR tomography in an IC engine / H. Krämer u.a.
In: SAE Paper. - 982467 (1998)

A   Two-dimensional temperature maesurements in the compression stroke of a SI engine using two-line tracer LIF / S. Einecke u.a.
In: SAE Paper. - 982468 (1998)

Siebert, Walter    [Prof.]

A   Borane-substituted imidazol-2-ylidenes: syntheses, structures and reactivity / A. Wacker u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 , S. 843-849

A   Ein borverbrücktes Tetrathiaporphyrinogen / F. Carre u.a.
In: Angew.Chem. - 110 (1998), S. 654-656

A   Carbon monoxide and isonitrile insertion into the B-B bond of five-membered cyclic organo-1,2-diboranes / J. Teichmann u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 459-463

A   Syntheses, structures and reactivity of eta(6)-arene-eta(5)-2,3-dihydro-diborolyl-rhodium complexes / S. Huck u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 571 (1998), S. 107-113

A   Transformation of 3,4-Bis(isopropylidene)-2,5-dichloro-1,2,5-thiadiborolane into nido-2,4,5-Thiadicarbahexaborane(5) Derivatives - formation and computational elucidation of a Thiadicarbanonaborane(8) with a ni-9<IV+IV> configuration / V. Beez u.a.
In: Eur.J.Inorg.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 1775-1779

A   Unsaturated polymers containing boron and thiophene units in the backbone / R. Corriu u.a.
In: Chem.Commun. - 1998 (1998), S. 963-964

A   Unusual mono- and dinuclear cobalt and platinum complexes of rearranged boriranylideneborane and diboretanylideneborane ligands : dicobalt-my-diborylcarbene complexes as derivatives of planar methane / A. Gunale u.a.
In: Chem.Eur.J. - 4 (1998), S. 44-52

Staab, Heinz A.    [em.Prof.]

V   Azolides in organic synthesis and biochemistry / H. A. Staab ; H. Bauer ; K. M. Schneider. - Weinheim ; Chichester ; New York ; Brisbane ; Singapore ; Toronto : Wiley-VCH, 1998. - XII, 502 S. ; 24 cm

A   Distance dependence of photoinduced electron transfer : syntheses and structures of naphthalene-spacered porphyrin-quinone cyclophanes / H.A. Staab u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 631-642

A   Intramolecular electron transfer between terminal 1, 4-dimethoxybenzene units in radical cations with a [2.2.] (1.4)naphtalenophane-, [2.2] (1.4)anthraceno-phane-, and pentacene-skeleton / H.A. Staab u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 1161-1170

A   Intramolecular electron transfer between 2, 5-dimethoxy-1, 4-phenylene units in [n.n.] paracyclophane radical cations / H.A. Staab u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 139-148

A   Porphyrin-cyclophanes with 7, 7, 8, 8-tetracyanoquino-dimethane as electron-acceptor : syntheses, properties, electron-transfer interactions / H.A. Staab u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 2703-2712

A   Synthesis and properties of biphenylene-spacered porphyrin-quinone cyclophanes / H.A. Staab u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 2149-2160

A   [2.2.]Paracyclophane-4, 7, 12, 15-tetrone, [2.2.] (1,4)naphtalenophane-4, 7, 14, 17-tetrone, and 1, 4, 8, 11-pentacenetetrone radical anions : a comparative ESR study / H.A. Staab u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998 (1998), S. 221-227

Sundermeyer, Wolfgang    [em.Prof.]

A   Synthesis of silanes in molten chloroaluminates / W. Sundermeyer mit H. Liesenhoff
In: Organosilicon Chem. - 4 (1998), S. 28

A   Zur Synthese fluororganischer O-(Trimethylsilyl)-cyanhydrine / W. Sundermeyer mit M. Sander
In: Zs.Naturforsch. - 53 b (1998), S. 296-306

Wadepohl, Hubert    [Priv.Doz.]

A   Electrophilic reactivity of arene ligands coordinated to ruthenium carbido cluster complexes / T. Borchert u.a.

A   h-Cyclopentadienyl-1,2,5,6-h-cyclooctatetraenecobalt / H. Wadepohl u.a.
In: Acta Cryst. - C54 (1998), S. 1095-1097

A   Near edge x-ray absorption fine structure study of benzene adsorbed on metal surfaces: comparison to benzene cluster complexes / K. Weiss u.a.
In: J.Vac.Sci.Technol. : A. - 16 (1998), S. 1017-1022

A   Organometallic cluster complexes with face-capping arene ligands : 10. a study of the influence of substituents on the synthesis of organometallic cluster complexes of the type [((C(5)H(5)Co)(3)(m(3)-h(2):h(2):h(2)-alkenylarene)] / H. Wadepohl u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 571 (1998), S. 267-278

A   Organometallic cluster complexes with face-capping arene ligands, 9. hydrogenation of the side-chain in [((C(5)H(5)Co)(3)(my(3)alkenbenzene)] : synthesis and structure of the cluster complexes [((C(5)H(5)Co)(3)(my(3)-eta(2):eta(2):eta(2):-C(6)H(5)-CHR(1)-CH(2)R(2 )] / H. Wadepohl u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 573 (1998), S. 22-29

A   Tetracobalt complexes with Co(3) face capping cycloheptatrienyl and cyclooctatetraene ligands / H. Wadepohl u.a.
In: Chem.Eur.J. - 4 (1998), S. 279-288

Weinges, Klaus    [em.Prof.]

A   Composition of an anthocyan concentrate from Aronia melanocarpa Elliot - x-ray analysis of tetraacetyl parasorboside / K. Weinges u.a.
In: Eur.J.Org.Chem. - 1998, S. 189-192

Wolf, Gerhard K.    [Prof.]

A   Beanspruchungsverhalten von PVD-CrN-Beschichtungen auf Leichtmetallwerkstoffen / J. Senf u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 9-15

A   Behaviour of light metals with PVD-CrN coatings using different test methods / J. Senf u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 9-15

A   Corrosion and leaching of silver doped ceramic IBAD coatings on SS 316L under simulated physiological conditions / K. Meinert u.a.
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 103/104 (1998), S. 58-65

A   Corrosion and mechanical studies of chromium nitride films prepared by ion-beam-assisted deposition / P. Engel u.a.
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 98 (1998), S. 1002-1007

A   Corrosion properties of alumina coatings on steel and aluminium deposited by ion beam assisted deposition / F. Stippich u.a.
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 98 (1998), S. 997-1001

A   Corrosion studies of stainless steel 316L, modified by ion beam techniques, under simulated physiological conditions / K. Meinert mit G.K. Wolf
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 98 (1998), S. 1148-1156

A   Custom-tailored coating-interface systems by means of ion beam assisted deposition / G.K. Wolf u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 518-536

A   Deposition of CVD diamond under ion beam modified ASP 23 cutting tools / M. Fenker u.a.
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 98 (1998), S. 1049-1055

A   Electrochemical evaluation of hard IBAD coatings using a scanning electrochemical microelectrode / E. Vera u.a.
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 103/104 (1998), S. 66-73

A   Electrochemical evaluation of thin films and coatings deposited with ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) using scanning electrochemical microelectrode / E. Vera u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 66-71

A   Enhanced corrosion protection of magnesium oxide coatings on magnesium deposited by ion beam-assisted deposition / F. Stippich u.a.
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 103/104 (1998), S. 29-35

A   Examination of IBAD-aluminum-layers by electrochemical noise analysis / A. Burkert u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 496-505

A   Formation of boron nitride films with various amounts of the cubic phase / J. Ullmann u.a.
In: Surf.Coat.Technol. - 97 (1998), S. 281-290

A   Ion beam modification of injection moulded polymere materials / G.K. Wolf mit H.-J. Kersten
In: Nucl.Instr.Meth.Phys.Res. : B. - 141 (1998), S. 174-180

A   Ionen- und plasmagestützte Verfahren der Oberflächentechnik für die Randschichtbehandlung von Leichtmetallwerkstoffen / H.-R. Stock u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 537-544

A   Maßgeschneiderte Schicht-Interface-Systeme mittels ionenstrahlgestützter Beschichtung / G.K. Wolf u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 518-524

A   Surface engineering of light weight materials with ion- and plasma-assisted methods / H.-R. Stock u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 537-544

A   Untersuchung von IBAD-Aluminium-Schichten mittels elektrochemischer Rauschanalyse / A. Burkert u.a.
In: Mat.-Wiss.Werkstofftech. - 29 (1998), S. 452-458

Wolfrum, Jürgen    [Prof.]

A   Absolute concentration, temperature, and velocity measurements in a diamond depositing dc-arcjet reactor / W. Juchmann u.a.
In: Diamond Related Materials. - 7 (1998), S. 165-169

A   Absolute radical concentration measurements and modeling of low pressure CH(4)/O(2)/NO flames / W. Juchmann u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 469-476

A   Applied laser spectroscopy in combustion devices / V. Sick mit J. Wolfrum
In: Atomic physics methods in modern research / K. Jungmann ... (ed.). - Berlin [u.a.], 1997. - (Lecture notes in physics ; Vol. 499). - ISBN 3-540-63716-8. - S. 271-281

A   Comparative study of experimental and numerical NO profiles in SI combustion / C. Schulz u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 2077-2084

A   Comparison between experimental and three-dimensional quantum mechanical rate constants for the NH(D) + NO reactions / H. Szichman u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 102 (1998), S. 10455-10459

A   Detection and identification of individual antigen molecules in human serum with pulsed semiconductor lasers / M. Sauer u.a.
In: Appl.Phys. : B. - 65 (1997), S. 427-431

A   Determination of the diffusion coefficient of dye in solution at single molecule level / D.-S. Ko u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 269 (1997), S. 54-58

A   Development of new multiplex dyes: intramolecular fluorescence quenching of rhodamine dyes / U. Lieberwirth u.a.
In: J. of Fluorescence. - 7 (1997), S. 55S-58S

A   Diode laser based time-resolved detection and identification of individual mononucleotides in aqueous solution / M. Sauer u.a.
In: Proceedings of ultrasensitive biochemical diagnostics II / G.E. Cohn, chair/ed. - Bellingham, Wash., 1997. - (SPIE proceedings series ; 2985). - ISBN 0-8194-2396-3. - S. 61-68

A   Dynamics of the H atom formation channel in the photodissociation of chloromethanes at 193.3nm / R.A. Brownsword u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : A. - 101 (1997), S. 5222-5227

A   The dynamics of the OH + HD gas-phase reaction: absolute reaction cross section and H/D atom product branching ratio / R.A. Brownsword u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 275 (1997), S. 325-331

A   Efficient DNA sequencing with a pulsed semiconductor laser and a new fluorescent dye set / R. Müller u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 279 (1997), S. 282-288

A   Excitation function and reaction threshold of isotope exchange reactions: H + D(2) -> D + HD and H + D(2)O -> D + HOD / R.A. Brownsword u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : A. - 101 (1997), S. 6448-6454

A   Fabrication of computer-interfaced photon counter for single molecule detection in solution / D.-S. Ko u.a.
In: J.Optical Soc.Korea : Korean ed. - 8 (1997), S. 10-16

A   Fast in-situ monitoring of O(2) in a full-scale waste incinerator with NIR-diode lasers / V. Ebert u.a.
In: VDI-Ber. - 1313 (1997), S. 549-554

A   Ground and excited state reactions of new red fluorescent dyes and the DNA base guanosine / S. Nord u.a.
In: J. of Fluorescence. - 7 (1997), S. 15S-18S

A   H atom formation dynamics in the dissociation of CH(3)-CF(2)Cl (HCFC-142b) after UV and VUV laser photoexcitation / R.A. Brownsword u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 107 (1997), S. 779-785

A   In-situ detection of chemisorbed CO on a polycrystalline platinum foil using infrared-visible sum-frequency generation (SFG) / H. Härle u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 293 (1998), S. 26-32

A   Laser-diagnostic and numerical study of strongly swirling natural gas flames / T. Landenfeld u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 1023-1030

A   Lasers in combustion : from basic theory to practical devices (Hottel pleanary lecture)
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 1-42

A   Multiplex dye DNA sequencing in capillary gel electrophoresis by diode laser-based time-resolved fluorescence detection / U. Lieberwirth u.a.
In: Analyt.Chem. - 70 (1998), S. 4771-4779

A   On-line diode laser based time-resolved fluorescence detection of labelled oligonucleotides in capillary gel electrophoresis / M. Sauer u.a.
In: Biomed.Chromat. - 11 (1997), S. 81-82

A   Online monitoring of water vapour with a fiber coupled NIR-diode laser spectrometer / V. Ebert u.a.
In: 5th International Symposium on Gas Analysis by Tunable Diode Lasers / VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik. - Düsseldorf, 1998. - (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure: VDI-Berichte ; 1366). - ISBN 3-18-091366-5. - S. 25-26

A   Optimierung von fluoreszierenden Farbstoffen / S. Beiersdörfer u.a.
In: Industrielle Anwendungen evolutionärer Algorithmen / hrsg. von Sigrid Hafner. Mit Beitr. von Susanne Beiersdoerfer ... - München [u.a.], 1998. - ISBN 3-486-24534-1. - S. 25-35, Kapitel 3

A   Photodissociation dynamics of CHF(2)Cl after photoexcitation at the Lyman-alpha wavelength (121.6 nm) / R.A. Brownsword u.a.
In: J.Phys.Chem. : A. - 101 (1997), S. 995-999

A   Photodissociation dynamics of the chloromethanes at the Lyman-alpha wavelength (121.6 nm) / R.A. Brownsword u.a.
In: J.Chem.Phys. - 106 (1997), S. 1359-1366

A   Quantum yield for H atom formation in the methane dissociation after photoexcitation at the Lyman-alpha (121.6 nm) wavelength / R.A. Brownsword u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 266 (1997), S. 259-266

A   Simultaneous laserbased in-situ-detection of oxygen and water in a waste incinerator for active combustion control purposes / V. Ebert u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 1301-1308

A   Single-molecule counting and identification in a microcapillary / C. Zander u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 286 (1998), S. 457-465

A   Temperature dependence (90-440K) of the vibrational spectra of CO adsorbed on platinum (111) studied by sum-frequency generation / H. Härle u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 279 (1997), S. 275-281

A   Three-dimensional quantum mechanical study of the NH(X(3)sigma(-))+NO reaction / H. Szichman u.a.
In: Twenty-seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion / org. by the Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. - Pittsburgh, Pa. - 2 Bde (1998), S. 253-260

A   Time-resolved DNA identification in capillary gel electrophoresis with semiconductors lasers / R. Müller u.a.
In: Advances in fluorescence sensing technology III / R.B. Thompson, chair/ed. - Bellingham, Wash., 1997. - (SPIE proceedings series ; 2980). - ISBN 0-8194-2391-2. - S. 116-126

A   Time-resolved identification of individual mononucleotide molecules in aqueous solution with pulsed semiconductor lasers / M. Sauer u.a.
In: Bioimaging. - 6 (1998), S. 14-24

A   Ultrasensitive detection and identification of biomolecules with diode lasers - from dyes to DNA / M. Sauer u.a.
In: Near-infrared dyes for high technology applications / edited by Siegfried Daehne, Ute Resch-Genger, and Otto S. Wolfbeis. - Dordrecht [u.a.], 1998. - (NATO ASI series). - ISBN 0-7923-5101-0. - S. 57-85

A   Verwendung von lumineszierenden Ruthenium(II)-Komplexen zur Markierung von Antikörpern : (Herrn Prof. Dr. G. Huttner zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet) / B. Ullrich u.a.
In: J.Organom.Chem. - 541, S. 401-406

A   Vibrational relaxation and energy transfer in the hydrogen system at temperatures between 110 and 300 K / Y. Schneider-Kühnle u.a.
In: Chem.Phys.Lett. - 294 (1998), S. 191-196