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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Dr. Maria Effinger

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Plöck 107-109
69117 Heidelberg
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Zeitschrift des Badischen Kunstgewerbevereins – digitized

illustration of wrought-iron sconceThe richly illustrated Zeitschrift des Badischen Kunstgewerbevereins was published from 1885-1894/95. It included articles dealing with the whole spectrum of applied arts, book and exhibition reviews as well as practical information concerning applied art techniques, and call for entries.

Furthermore it served as official journal of the Badische Kunstgewerbeverein communicating information on their efforts in the field of the applied arts. The interest of the editors concerned the promotion of the competitiveness of current German applied arts on an international scale.

Already during the founding of the Badische Kunstgewerbeverein on January 13th 1885 in Karlsruhe the plan was to publish an illustrated journal, which proved difficult due to financial reasons. As stated in the preface to the first issue of the Vereinsmitteilungen it was ”therefore even more happily received that the publishing house of E.A. Seemann in Leipzig generously offered to make their Kunstgewerbeblatt the official journal of the Badischen Kunstgewerbeverein. […] Our society accepted this monthly publication under the condition that it appears in a cover that is specially printed for the society, and that it contains a supplement entitled Vereinsmitteilungen.” The journal of the Badische Kunstgewerbeverein zu Karlsruhe – digital encompasses the illustrated society publication, including the Vereinsmitteilungen. The only content that is absent from the digitalized version is the front page of the first year’s issue (which is also absent in the original print version).

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