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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


E-Books are electronic versions of printed books which are licensed by Heidelberg University Library or through a national license.

Research Options

Online Catalogue HEIDI

E-books as well as printed books are indexed in our Online Catalogue “HEIDI”.
Search options include: key words, title, ISBN, type of media, online resources only, et. al..

Datenbank-Info-System (DBIS) for dissertations of „Proquest Dissertations and Theses Full Text”

Research of full-text dissertations of “Proquest Dissertations and Theses Full Text” is possible within our database system Datenbank-Info-System (DBIS).

Conditions of use

You can access E-Books by clicking on the relevant link within the link list or the Online Catalogue Heidi. Access is in most cases possible both on campus and from off-campus workstations.

Please note: Terms and conditions of publishers stipulate that off-campus access is reserved to authorized users (students and staff of Heidelberg University and the University Hospitals). In most cases access control is carried out automatically via the IP number of your workstation.

You need to activate the correct proxy configuration in your browser. Activation of the correct proxy configuration is not necessary if you access the e-journals from the University Hospitals of Heidelberg University or from Klinikum Mannheim gGmbH/ Fakultät für Klinische Medizin Mannheim der Universität Heidelberg.

For further suggestions please turn to the Serials and Electronic Resources Department of Heidelberg University Library (phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-2593 letter E-Mail).

For questions about access etc. please turn to our reference staff at Informationszentrum Neuenheim/Altstadt (phone: +49 (0) 6221-54-4272 or 54-2573 respectively; letter E-Mail).

Further Information

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