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Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Cikitsaka (Rajsahi, 1889-1926)

This irregular periodical on medicine focused mainly on the indigenous systems of medical treatment. Only four volumes of this periodical were published between 1889-1926.


  • Binodbehari Ray
  • Nityananda Simha

Custodian of microfilm copies:

Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta, Kolkata, W.B., India

  • Vol. 1, no. 1 [Magh 1296 (January, 1890)] - Vol. 1, no. 10 [Kartik 1297 (October, 1890)]
  • Vol. 3, no. 2 [Falgun 1306 (February, 1899)] - Vol. 3, no. 4 [Baisakh 1306 (April, 1899)]
  • Vol. 4, no. 1 [Baisakh 1333 (April, 1926)]
  • Vol. 4, no. 5 [Bhadra 1333 (August, 1926)] - Vol. 4, no. 6 [Aswin 1333 (September, 1926)]

Custodian of paper copies:

Bangiya Sahitya Parishat, Kolkata, W.B., India

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